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爱情是一个巨大的丑化家。Love is a great beautifier.

希望会丑化丑恶的东西。Desire beautifies what is ugly.

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丑化、破坏、拒绝服务。Defacing, Destruction, and Denial of Service.

真理不存在于丑化了的现实里。Truth does not exist in the uglified reality.

第五,要不断制造新闻,丑化他们的领导人。Fifth , make news continuously to uglify their leaders.

一些美国人总在设法丑化中国。Some Americans are making every effort to uglify China.

但是,如果搭配不当,就会产生丑化的效果。However, if misconducted, it will have the effect of vilifying.

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许多穆斯林表达了自己的恐惧,认为这项法律将丑化他们的形象。Many Muslims have expressed fears the law would stigmatize them.

耶稣知道,我们有时很想丑化我们的敌人。Jesus knows that at times we are tempted to demonize our enemies.

中国,一个爱好和平的民族,却被你们丑化为侵略者?China, a peace-loving people, but you have to vilify the aggressor?

他认为指控他为种族主义者是对他的意图进行丑化。He says accusations of racism are smears that he has come to expect.

第五,我们必须继续创造新闻和丑化他们的领导。Fifth, we must continue to create news and vilifying their leadership.

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要不断地制造“新闻”,丑化他们心目中的明星和英雄。To continue to "press" and vilify them in the eyes of the star and a hero.

你们丑化了鬼魂和精灵的善良本性。You have soured the naturally excellent disposition of ghosts and goblins.

尽管如此,我仍然不希望像金里奇和他的同伙丑化我们那样来丑化他们。Still, I didn’t want to demonize Gingrich and his crowd as they had done to us.

“我不明白为什么每个人都被丑化,”她本周告诉记者。"I don't see why anyone should be scandalised, " she told journalists this week.

“激进的右派和国会共和党人把我丑化了,”他答道。"The radical right and the Congressional Republicans have demonized me, " he answered.

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好吧,那么,'鹰头狮继续说,'如果你不知道该怎么丑化是,你是一个傻瓜。Well, then, ' the Gryphon went on, 'if you don't know what to uglify is, you ARE a simpleton.

但他已找到一种方法,认为这些善意谁压迫他的人民和丑化他的名字。And yet he has found a way to think kindly of those who oppress his people and vilify his name.

政府看到了将锡安主义分子丑化为阴谋颠覆政权的街头流氓的机会。The government saw an opportunity to present Zionists as nothing more than subversive hooligans.