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白色颜色真正珐琅拨号盘。White color genuine enamel dial.

我很高兴,你保留了那些珐琅物品!I'm glad you've kept your enamels !

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较为严重者,所有珐琅都可能受到损害。In more severe cases, all the enamel may be damaged.

热水器外壳应该使珐琅釉面。The outer jacketing shall have a backed enamel finish.

在我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅“皮”。My part that protrudes from the gum has a "skin" of enamel.

BVLGARI宝格丽蓝色塑框光学眼镜,搭配水晶及珐琅装饰。BVLGARI blue icon optical frames with crystal and enamel décor.

罗带的大白牙实验室制作名为“皇冠”的珐琅牙。Great White Dental Lab in Lodi fashions enamel teeth called" crowns".

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他那按在宝剑珐琅柄上的左手外面裹着绷带。His left hand, which rested on his enamelled sword hilt, was bandaged.

在月亮出嚎出令人生寒的叫声,嵌有珍珠般光泽的白色珐琅。The chilling sound of crying at the moon, with pearlescent white enamel.

广东大多数画珐琅用的是欧洲的粉彩。Most of the Canton enamels used the famille rose colors peculiar to Europe.

无珐琅味、被酸化、硫化及氧化的酒已经成为了历史。Enamel-stripping, acidic, sulphured and oxidised wines are a thing of the past.

外壳应该是圆形16级电镀钢,外覆亚克力珐琅表面。The jacket shall be round 16-gauge galvanized steel with acrylic enamel finish.

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一个紫色棺材的珐琅全息效果,用裹尸布将生者封入戒指内。A funerary purple hologram effect enamel, encapsulating the shrouded living corpse.

在座舱的制作过程中干扫是必不可少的。我总是用银色珐琅漆在座舱的黑色漆面上干扫。Dry brushing is essential in cockpit. I always use silver enamel onto black cockpit.

这三种珐琅工艺相互借鉴,各有千秋。These three techniques of enamel have their own advantages and learn from each other.

清宫珐琅彩瓷创造了彩瓷的新品种。Qing court enamel painted porcelain created a new breed for Ming Qing painted porcelain.

屏幕本身是由半透明的绿色翡翠,玫瑰式切割钻石和白色珐琅制成。The screen itself is made from translucent green emeralds, rose-cut diamonds and white enamel.

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氟化物内含有坚固牙齿表面,抑制蛀牙或牙斑形成的珐琅。The fluoride mixes with enamel, the hard surface on teeth, to help prevent holes, or cavities, from forming.

一件稀有的波斯卡加王朝风格铜胎画珐琅对瓶,作于伊朗,约19世纪或者20世纪早期。A rare pair of Qajar style Persian enamel small vases made in Iran during either the 19th or early 20th Century.

如今,日本的七宝烧和西洋画珐琅中都能找到景泰蓝艺术的影迹。Even now, you can find traces of Jing Tai Lan in Japanese pottery making crafts and enamel in western paintings.