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这是我的雨鞋。These are my boots.

往欧洲出口雨鞋。Exporting rain boots to Europe.

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下雨时我都穿橡胶雨鞋。I wear rubber boots when it rains.

下雨时我都穿橡胶雨鞋。They wear galoshes in wet weather.

我们在下雨天穿雨鞋。We wear our rain boots on a rainy day.

让洪水冲过来吧,因为我们的第九位是“长筒雨鞋”。Bring on the floods, because our No. 9 shoe is the "Welly."

清洗地面时穿上雨鞋以防滑倒。Put on rain boot when washing floor, to prevent from slipping down.

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他脚上穿了双雨鞋,紧身的牛仔裤裤腿一直挽到膝盖弯。He's already there wearing rainbow socks and skinny jeans rolled up to the knees.

站在水里跳,水花一朵朵。想起以前,曾经有双红色的雨鞋。Stand in the water jump, water one after another. Recall that there was a red double rubbers.

一个穿着雨鞋的严肃的工作人员带着我们穿过了几行正在狂叫的,在我看来有些大,有些恐怖的狗。A no-nonsense attendant in rainboots took us past rows of barking dogs, many big and scary, at least to me.

我司主营各种男女式雨鞋、劳保三耐雨靴,雨裤等高质量成品。Main Division I men and women of various rubbers, labor three high boots, rain pants, high quality product.

时髦的雨鞋不仅可以替你对付恶劣天气,这种靴子还有一段让你脚丫保持干爽的高贵悠久历史。Not only will the modern Welly brighten your cloudy skies, these boots have a noble history of keeping you dry.

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透过窗户,还能看到一楼的住户在家穿着雨鞋,清理积水。Via window can also see the household of the first floor being dressed in rubbers at home and cleaning up water logging.

我们收到我方客户对你们的防雨鞋产品的良好反映,兹随信附寄2500双防雨鞋订单。Your products of rainproof boots received favorable responses from our customers and we are pleased to enclose our order for 2500 pairs.

雪下的很大,任何一个在棉花种植园的人都希望穿上玛丽·匡特品牌的塑料雨衣和雨鞋。It was snowing vigorously, and anyone in a calico prairie dress might have wished for the plastic mackintoshes and vinyl boots of Mary Quant.

这里相当热,但也是地球上最潮湿的地方之一,每年有200英寸的雨落在这座岛上,所以一定要带雨鞋。It's pretty hot, but it's also one of the wettest places on earth, dumping 200 inches of rain on the island every year, so make sure to bring your rubber boots!

此外,通过品牌经营和技术管理等系列产品公司还扩大各种方便注塑休闲鞋,雨鞋和凉鞋。Besides, by means of brand operation and technology management the Company has also expanded such series of products as various convenient injection casual shoes, rain boot and sandals.

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一种轻便型防雨鞋套,由鞋套前背、鞋套底、鞋套后背、鞋套口和鞋套侧背连成一体,在鞋套底的前部和后部分别设置防滑件和鞋套后根口。The light waterproof overshoe consists of an integral vamp including front part, back part and side parts and a sole with anti-skid part and heel part separately in the front and back parts.