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你是一个夜叉鬼吗?When asked, 'Are you a yakkha?

去年十一月,曼谷玉佛寺入口处的隐医和夜叉。Last November, Hermit Doctor and yaksha in Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok.

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此外这里还有一对正在相互撕扯的夜叉龙,其中一只身上有道血淋淋的伤口。There's also a pair of fighting Stygimoloch, one with a bloody gash.

请高举金属的手势,同夜叉一起与时间对抗!Whenever and wherever you are, please highly hold our metal gesture!

夜叉揭示自己作为主阎王和赠款的所有死去的兄弟的生活。The Yaksha reveals himself as Lord Yama and grants back the lives of all the dead brothers.

从现在起,我不再制造夜叉、罗刹的面具,我要开始学习雕塑佛像了。From now on I won't wear the mask of an angry person. Instead, I will learn to carve Buddha statues.

现在这个寺庙中已经没有可以杀的人了,恐怕今天晚上夜叉回来。Have had no in this temples now can the person who kill, afraid of the tonight night fork come back.

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国内新派金属开山之祖夜叉乐队成军十五年首次全国巡演将于2010铿锵上演。YAKSA band, the pioneer of new metal style music in China, will be on their first national road show in 2010.

国内新派金属开山之祖夜叉乐队成军十五年首次全国巡演将于2010铿锵上演。YAKASA band, the pioneer of new metal style music in China, will be on their first national road show in 2010.

好不容易克服胆小的王宇,却因为游魂使的特殊身份被夜叉盯上。Good not easy gram take recreant Wang Yu, the special status that makes because of You Hun however is stared at to go up by the hideous.