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第三个传统,苏联批租。The third tradition demised with the Soviet Union.

土地使用批租制改为年租制的争议。It is suggests that batch lease system should be changed into annual lease system.

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其次,土地所有权与使用权分离,实行一次性的土地批租制。Secondly, separation of land ownership and right to use, one-off leasehold of land.

任何组成该系统一部分的导线不得横过任何街道或未批租政府土地。No wire forming part of the system shall cross any street or unleased Government land.

土地批租是城市土地制度的重要组成部分,它对城市经济的发展极具影响。Grant of land is the important section of urban land system, and it is crucial to the development of urban economy.

乡村土地批租开发对新一轮的改革开放起着重要的作用,但存在的问题也很多。The wholesale lease and development of rural land makes a great contribution to furthering the reform and open-up in China.

二十年前,中国开始实行土地批租政策,使房地产市场出现了,并惊人增长。Twenty years ago, the Land Lease Policy came into power in China. Chinese Real Estate Market emerged and grew in a fabulous speed.

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在分析我国的土地储备制度、批租制度的基础上,提出我国土地市场规范发展的意见与建议。Then the paper analyzes land reserve system and rent system and put forward proposals for land market standardizing development in China.

工业区以接近成本的价格,把已发展的土地批租予引进全新或改良技术工序,但不能在多层大厦内运作的公司。Developed land is provided at cost to companies with new or improved technology and processes that cannot operate in multi-storey buildings.

文章就目前苏州农村地区土地批租开发的现状作了实地调查。This paper makes an on-the-spot investigation about the present situation of the wholesale lease and development of rural land in Suzhou area.

近年固定资产投资过热的主要原因之一,是房地产投资过热引起,土地违法批租又是房地产过热的源头。The overheated investment in fixed asset is mainly caused by overheated investment in real estate development. The illegal approval estate development.

城市地被分割成大大小小待批租的地块,它们上面盖起了大量住宅楼、写字和商业楼、大型购物中心等。Cities became a fragmented patchwork of big and small land plots to be leased. On the plots, numerous residential communities, offices-commercial blocks and big Shopping Malls rose up.

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奥巴马政府引用的法律条文称,“美国总统有权在适当时机将外大陆架未批租土地从市场上撤回。”The law the administration is using says, "the president of the United States may, from time to time, withdraw from disposition any of the unleased lands of the outer Continental Shelf."

土地批租、高额税费、银行贷款是我国住宅价格腾飞的三大动力。要使住宅价格恢复正常,必须采取釜底抽薪的对策。Land grant, high tax rate and bank loans fuel the rising of the housing prices in China and so if the rising trend of the housing prices is to be curbed, drastic measures should be taken.

不管是什么项目,只要有人来要地,就以招商引资、城镇建设的名义,随意“出让”、“批租”国有土地,有的甚至做起了买卖土地的“官倒爷”。Whatever the project, as long as it was to be, on a business, in the name of urban construction, they "sold" and "leasing" of state-owned land, and even with the sale of land "official profiteers.

城市土地年租制相对于批租制具有明显的合理性,但该制度在我国尚处于探索阶段,仍然存在许多不尽完善之处。Annual rent of urban land system has obvious rationality and superiority to the leasehold system, but the system is still at the exploratory stage in our country, there is still not much improvement.