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好的,就是两块幕布。OK, that's two curtains.

盛大的午夜传奇幕布开启!Biggest. Midnight opening.

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幕布拉开时,一个花园呈现在舞台。As the curtain rises,a garden is seen on the stage.

有人正在幕布后踱来踱去。Someone was pacing back and forth behind the curtain.

幽暗的石彻房屋,由于悬着幕布而显得色彩鲜艳。Sombre stone houses were bright with hanging draperies.

早期皮影戏幕布是用桑皮纸制成的。The earliest shadow theatre screens were made of mulberry paper.

“你最好等幕布挂上以后再去,”诺里斯太太插嘴说。"You had better stay till the curtain is hung, " interposed Mrs.

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黑暗的幕布遮盖了亡灵法师统治的地区。Cover of Darkness blankets all under the reign of the Necromancers.

戏剧系筹钱购买舞台的新幕布。The theater department raised money to buy new curtains for the stage.

今天在总理西尔维奥悲喜剧式的统治时期,在他的政治舞台上,他的幕布也该降下了。The curtain should now fall on the tragicomic reign of today’s Silvio, too.

你的任务是点击你觉得有图片在后面的幕布。Your task is to click on the curtain that you feel has the picture behind it.

最后,关键时刻到来了!幕布拉开了。熊妹妹出现了!And now, at last, the moment comes! The curtain is opening. And there is Sister!

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他感到所有这一切好象都消失在剧院的一块幕布后面。It all seemed to him to have disappeared as though behind the curtain of a theatre.

当巨幅幕布从自由女神像落下,自由女神展现在人们面前时,每一个人都禁不住热烈欢呼。Everyone cheered wildly when a signal was given and a huge cloth fell from the statue.

幕布然后会开启,让你看到你是否选择正确。The curtain will then open, permitting you to see if you selected the correct curtain.

在音频剧本中,没有幕布拉起时的那种生动的视觉效果。In an audio play, you don't have the dramatic visual effect when the curtain is raised.

这时候,幕布徐徐拉开,大厅里的聚光灯都集中到了舞台上的士坦威钢琴上。Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage.

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但如果他们可以像泳池的幕布一样,就一定能在人生的飓风中存活下来。But if people would act more like the pool-screens, they could survive the "hurricane" of life.

如布莱希特所说,幕布落下后,你必须进一步的思考,她身上还会发声什么?As Brecht has said, you must think further, after the curtain goes down. What will happen to her?

这就像穿过一块沉重的幕布,迈步滑进另一个地方、另一个世界。It was just like stepping, slipping, through a heavy curtain into another place and another world.