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我们把你放进滚烫的油锅!We'll boil you in hot oil!

小心!油锅很热。Take care! The pans very hot.

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放入油锅炒熟,加入绞肉泥一并炒熟。Fried in the pan, add Minced meat.

跳出油锅又入火坑。Out of the frying-pan into the fire.

热油飞溅出了油锅。The hot oil splashed out of the pot.

六根胖香肠在油锅里面滋滋响。Six fat sausages sizzling in the pan.

将牛肉卷放入油锅炸至金黄即成。Pan-fry in hot oil until golden brown.

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八根胖香肠在油锅里面滋滋响。Eight fat sausages sizzling in the pan.

中火烧热油锅,放入葱段爆香。Heat up a pan with oil over the medium fire.

鸡肉片入热油锅内炸熟。Chicken pieces into hot oil with Zhashu inside.

她将鸡肉片涂上用面粉和鸡蛋调制的面糊后再下油锅炸熟。She fried the chicken in a flour and egg batter.

如果油锅着火,关掉煤气。Turn off the gas if your pan of oil catches fire.

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中火烧热油锅,热锅,勺入一满大勺的面糊。In a flat bottom pan, heat up the oil on medium heat.

可我现在感觉,自己是刚出油锅,又进火坑。But now, I seem to have gone from the frying pan into the fire.

再次热油锅,把肉球倒入炸至金黄色,捞起待用。Reheat oil, fry meat balls again till golden colour, set aside.

你难道不明白我们这是跳出了油锅却掉进火坑了吗?Don't you realize we've jumped out of the frying pan into the fire?

加热油锅,入姜葱,红椒和白菜帮翻炒。Heat wok with oil, add, ginger, spring onion, bell pepper, and cabbage.

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她把大蒜扔进了烧热的油锅里,滚烫的油就发出了愤怒的响声。She tossed the garlic in the hot oil which bubbled in a loud, angry sound.

他把大块的生肉扔到滋滋响的油锅里。He dumped chunks of raw, pink meat into the oil, which sputtered furiously.

她往外走时,女厨师从后自向她扔了只炸油锅,但是没打着。The cook threw a frying-pan after her as she went out, but it just missed her.