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“不应诉判决”是英美法系民事诉讼中的独特制度安排。Default judgment is a unique system in civil litigations of common law.

承担行政复议和行政诉讼的应诉代理工作等。to undertake response representation to administrative reviews and administrative prosecutions.

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根据英格兰法,外国主权者是不在英格兰法院应诉的。Under the english law a foreign sovereign has always been immune from suit in the english courts.

近日,在陆先生始终不到庭应诉的情况下,顺义法院缺席审理了此案。Recently, Mr. Lu has not appeared at the respondent's case, the absence of Shunyi, the court heard the case.

这五个环节的会计工作构成了反倾销应诉会计的整个流程。The accounting jobs in five response links constitute the complete process of anti-dumping response accounting.

如果委员会后来裁定应诉人违反本节,则可没收该保证金,并交付给申诉人。The Commission shall prescribe the terms and conditions under which bonds may be forfeited under this paragraph.

将来其他公司再接到诺基亚要求支付专利使用费的要求,必须要仔细斟酌,是付钱,还是应诉。Other companies whom Nokia will ask to pay royalties will have to think very hard whether to pay or pick a fight.

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本周二,在接受BBC采访时他表示,自己无意重返瑞典应诉那起案件。He said in an interview with the BBC on Tuesday that he saw no reason to return to Sweden to answer the allegations.

微软很谨慎的应对着这桩官司,但并没有对此发表是否计划应诉或者和解的评论。Microsoft is aware of the lawsuit but hasn't commented whether it plans to fight the case or reach for a settlement.

如果委员会后来裁定应诉人违反本节,则可没收该保证金,并交付给申诉人。The Commission shall prescribe the terms and conditions under which the bonds may be forfeited under this paragraph.

司法会计数据的可采性问题是决定应诉结果的一个重要因素。The acceptability of accounting data is one of the critical factors which determine the result of response to suits.

北京于去年9月发起的诉讼,华盛应诉来抵制受到政府补贴的中国产品。After Beijing initiated the dispute last September, Washington began legal action against subsidised Chinese branded goods.

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欧盟非市场经济地位制度对我国企业的影响主要体现在反倾销应诉领域中。The impact of the EU regime of nonmarket economy status on China are mainly embodied in the field of litigation of antidumping.

本文通过对中国彩电反倾销案件的分析,提出会计在反倾销应诉中的作用。Therefore, studying the accounting strategy to deal with anti-dumping is very important in both theoretical and practical aspect.

被提起诉讼的承运人有权要求另一承运人参加应诉。the carrier against whom an action has been brought shall have the right to require the other carrier to join in the proceedings.

该行说,它相信自己拥有丰富可信的法律与事实根据来辩护,并将积极应诉。RBS said it believed it has 'substantial and credible legal and factual defenses to these claims and will defend them vigorously.'

德马克在声明中表示,联邦住房金融局会应诉,为了保护纳税人、银行和抵押贷款双方的权益DeMarco said in a statement that his agency will fight Brown's lawsuit in order to protect taxpayers, lenders and both mortgage programs.

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对反倾销应诉中会计抗辩策略的分析,主要运用实证分析法。Answers a charge accountant to counter-dumping to contradict the strategy the analysis, mainly utilizes the real diagnosis analytic method.

如果委员会后来裁定应诉人违反本节,则可没收该保证金,并交付给申诉人。If the Commission later determines that the respondent has violated the provisions of this section, the bond may be forfeited to the complainant.

承办行政复议和行政应诉工作,对行政执法工作进行指导和督促检查。to undertake the administrative reviews and administrative responses to appeals, guide, supervise, urge and inspect administrative law enforcement.