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通力电梯给您最好的服务!KONE Elevator to you the best service!

通力已经收购了龙电梯及机械有限公司。KONE has acquired Long Elevator & Machine Co.

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感谢以前的通力协作,祝您新年合家欢乐,万事顺利!Thank you for your help last year, wish you success!

通力是世界上最大电梯和扶梯提供商之一。KONE is one of the largest elevator and escalator companies in the world.

奥巴马强调,面对如此规模的经济衰退,美国需要与其他国家的政府通力协作,他的团队将会与其他国家沟通,共同努力。His team will reach out to other countries to coordinate efforts, he said.

远朴直在呼唤,本人们高举通力旗号向行进,高唱通力之歌向行进!Distance calls, we held high the banner forward, sing kone kone song forward!

蒂帕嬷和西嬷曾联手用她们的神通力影响一辆公共汽车的运行。Dipa Ma and Hema once used their extraordinary powers in tandem to move a bus.

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从这个时候起三个僧徒思想一致通力,水天然就更多了。From this moment three ideological unity, the water shortly kone more natural.

此次收购进一步提高了通力在这些市场的强势地位。This acquisition further improves KONE's strong position in each of those markets.

通力是全球电梯和自动扶梯行业最大的公司之一。KONE is one of the leading companies in the global elevator and escalator business.

希腊的经验告诉我们的是,面对严重紧急的问题时,欧洲可以通力协作,做出反应。The lesson of Greece is that faced with a big, urgent issue, Europe can get its act together.

BPM使得企业可以按照组织内外部的流程进行通力协作。BPM enables an enterprise to collaborate in terms of intra- and inter-organizational processes.

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在新旧合作伙伴的通力协作下,我们成功面对并跨越了许多令人激动的挑战。Lots of exciting challenges were solved in collaboration with familiar as well as new partners.

但是相对于主要的竞争对手来说,通力在中国的发展的步伐还是明显的落后了。However, compare with the competitors, the development of KONE in China is still lacking in behind.

当机门完全关上后,你会听到典型的通力大音量的机门上锁声。When the landing door has completely closed you can hear the typical Kone loud door locking up sound.

龙电梯公司和通力将在未来的岁月里将以通力公司的名义联合经营。Long Elevator and KONE will be combining their operations under the KONE name during the coming months.

里弗赛德县动物服务人员在墙的两侧通力协作才成功营救出它。Riverside County Animal Services officers got on both sides of the wall and managed to extricate Rebel.

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此外,继续为海尔提供创意工作,在上海和青岛之间通力协作。And they continued to create new work for Haier, with talent in Shanghai and Qingdao collaborating well.

小区的居民和警察通力配合,终于抓住了那个偷自行车的窃贼。The residents of the community worked in conjunction with the police and finally caught the bike stealer.

巴拉克奥巴马的内阁充斥着着聪明的经济学家,但他们能否通力协作?他们能做什么?Barack Obama has stacked his cabinet with clever economists, but can they work together? And what will they do?