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1893年,州立法将曼荷莲女子学院升格为大学。In 1893, under a state law, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary became a college.

而男主角紫宛则是在2岁的时候便给人升格为精英了。The actor purple Wan is in 2 years when it was upgraded to the elite of the people.

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2002年经山西省人民政府批准,该校升格为高等艺术职业学院。In 2002 by the Shanxi People's Government, the school upgraded to a high art college career.

在此过程中,龙升格为王,龙王庙遍布全国各地。In this process, the dragon upgraded to King, dragon temples were built throughout the country.

新升格本科院校学报是我国学术出版事业的新生力量。The journal of newly-upgraded universities is a new force in Chinese academic publishing course.

恒春城在行政层级的升格,也带动恒春城内的各项公共建设。Besides, the public construction was increasing with the level of administrative division rising.

香港理工大学原称香港理工学院,于一九七二年成立,并于一九九四年升格为大学。PolyU, established in 1972 as the Hong Kong Polytechnic, attained full university status in 1994.

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日本国会众议院投票通过把日本防卫厅提升格为防卫省。Japan's lower house of Parliament has voted to upgrade the country's Defense Agency into a ministry.

当这位年轻人打包准备去苏格兰时,他已升格为这家百货公司的合伙人了。By the time the young clerk had his bags packed for Scotland, he was a prater in that department store.

我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.

台北县台中市县高雄市将升格为「直辖市」,您对这次升格结果满意吗?。Do you agree with the administrative upgrading of Taipei County, Taichung City and County and Kaohsiung City?

1982年,经国家教育部批准,升格为五年制本科院校。In 1982, the Ministry of Education approved by the state, was upgraded to five-year undergraduate institutions.

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1980年回应时代需求开始招收男生,改名文藻外国语文专科学校,1999年改制升格为文藻外语学院。In 1980, boys were admitted. In 1999, the Junior College was upgraded become Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages.

他把防卫厅升格为职能完善的防卫省,还着手试图修改和平宪法。He upgraded the defence agency to a full-fledged ministry and set about trying to change the pacifist constitution.

岭南原为私立院校,一九七九年转为政府资助的专上学院,一九九二年升格为可颁授学位的院校。It became a publicly funded post-secondary college in 1979 and was upgraded to a degree-awarding institution in 1992.

随之而来,新的教育形势对这些新升格院校教师劳动管理也提出了新的要求。Therefore, new education situation puts forward the new demand for the labor management of teachers in these colleges.

此次升格成功,谱写了合肥地方高等教育发展的新篇章。He hoped that the newly upgraded college will grasp the good opportunity to make a new chapter for the higher-learning.

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举例来说,大多数厂商提供备用电池等物品,额外探针、皮革升格案。PDA. For example, most manufacturers offer such things as spare batteries, extra styluses , and upgraded leather cases.

上级决定将派出所与刑警中队合并,升格为分局,解决这一难题。Ranking decision incorporates police station and gumshoe squadron, promote is substation, solve this one difficult problem.

则被迪士尼频道顺势升格为一部正式喜剧,使得原班人马可以继续在荧幕上为观众带来欢笑。Is the Disney channel with upgraded to a formal comedy, make player-wise can continue in the screen for the audience laughter.