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事实证明果然如此。That' s proving true.

我已经吃了午饭,果然如此。I have had my lunch, so I had.

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我看了一下我的手表,果然如此。I looked at my watch. It was true.

我看了看手表,果然如此。I I looked at my watch. It was true.

我们设想她会出席,事实果然如此。We are justified in assuming that she will attend.

我们说情况会变好的,果然如此。We said things would turn out well, and sure enough they did.

我是他老公果然如此小惠的同学真的是这样?My husband is really the case Xiaohui his students really like this?

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结果果然如此,等预定时间结束后,我甚至又多呆了一个星期。I did. I even stayed on an extra week when it was time for me to leave.

事实上果然如此,而我也设法把球扑了出去,这太棒了!It was great that was exactly what happened and I managed to get a hand to it.

古人以为,血是心脏“制造”的,毕竟果然如此吗?The ancients thought, blood is the heart of" manufacture", after all right enough?

他们说,去见一见仍然支持我的人,肯定能够激励我的精神,结果,果然如此。They said it would lift my spirits to be with folks who were still supporters, and it did.

事实果然如此?还是实际上这些揭秘在一定程度上正是美国政府在小心的敲边鼓。But is it true? Or are the leaks, in fact, part of a carefully orchestrated plot by the American government?

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到海南后,发现果然如此,他立刻意识到这个问题的严重性。But after he has arrived Hainan, he found it was actually the case and instantly realized the seriousness of the issue.

一打开厨门,我就断定里面准有好吃的。果然如此!我在里面发现了一碗咸炒肉。I concluded that there must be some delicacies in the cabinet before I opened the door. Sure enough! I found a bowl of fried meat.

一些固执者甚至运用中学所学的数学知识来进行验证,结果果然如此。Some of them still behave stubborn and even use his knowledge to authenticate the fact. The result was the same as my explanation.

若果然如此,这一局面将是极受欢迎的——不必介意这一转折的触发点来自一个不大可能的因素。If so, that would be extremely welcome — never mind the fact that the trigger for the tipping point has come from an unlikely source.

我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。经过一周的察看,我发现环境果然如此。I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found it was indeed the cases.

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你也许会认为故事的缘起缘落都在你的掌握之中,而结果果然如此。可是,在欣赏影片的过程中,你的确很享受,甚至感动,甚至认识到了人性的闪光点与弱点。You may think you know where all this is headed and you're probably right, but the getting there is funny and occasionally moving and sometimes even recognizably human.

后来事实果然如此,他的推销计划彻底失败,虽然他做出了最后的挣扎,但失败还是注定的,这家人终于破产了。But the reality is really the case, and his complete failure of the marketing plan, although he made the last fight, but is doomed to failure, which eventually went bankrupt families.