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他的金融白皮书有很多对症下药之处。His financial white paper gets much right.

甚至是江湖郎中对症下药也是可能的。And it is possible to find the right medicine even from a quack doctor.

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做思想工作必须对症下药。In doing ideological work, one must suit one's methods to the situation.

对症下药治虚火广州“五一”黄金周楼市无悬念!Case in Guangzhou but fire "51" Golden Week property without apprehensively !

你要是不肯首先向他袒示你灵魂上的创伤或烦恼,他又怎能对症下药呢?How may this be, unless you first lay open to him the wound or trouble in your soul?

科学家们对症下药,对这种聚合体进行酸性处理,这样便可以改变聚合物的组成形式,从而大幅增加塑料的导电性。They used an acid treatment to alter the polymer, restoring much of its conductivity.

这里是一些事实,你可以根据干扰自己睡眠的因素来对症下药。Here are some facts for you to consider while you think about your own sleep disturbances.

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要解决专科生就业难的状况,需全社会多方努力,对症下药。The solution to these of employment problems needs the joint efforts of the entire society.

如果有训练有素的医护人员对症下药,她不会死去。If she had swiftly reached trained medical staff with the right drugs, she would not have died.

应对症下药,采取措施减少并杜绝青少年网上不道德行为。Measures should be taken to reduce and even stop the immoralities of youth and juveniles on web.

第四章对症下药,对地方台新闻广播早间节目的改进和发展进行探讨。Chapter Four explores ways to improve and develop the morning news program in local radio stations.

但是对症下药也只在短期有效,而且只是对一些人有效,西尔佛伯格说。But the available medications work only for a short period of time and only in some people, Silverberg says.

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当医生们知道是哪种蛇时,他们对症下药,杰克逊第二天就出院了。When they knew the kind of snake,they could give Mr Jackson the right medicine,and he left hospital the next day.

长江中游洪患自古乃中华民族的心腹大患,数百年来不得治愈的根本原因是没有做到对症下药。Flood disaster in middle Yangtze River has been a serious hidden trouble or danger for the Chinese nation since ancient times.

我们迫切需要采用对症下药的战略。我们等待的时间越长,我们允许金融传染扩散的范围就会越大。We urgently need to adopt the problem-oriented strategy. The longer we wait, the more we allow the financial contagion to spread.

了解网迷危害、确定网迷类型,找出迷恋上网原因,分析研究对策,对症下药。Investigate the danger of network addiction, determine net addiction types, find out the reasons, analysis and research strategies.

根据该理论,如果北京采取行政措施对症下药,消费会自动上升。If Beijing takes administrative steps to address the correct cause of low consumption, so goes the theory, it will automatically rise.

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文学图书出版的病象日益凸显,探讨病因以求对症下药自成共识。As the morbidity of literature-book-publication becomes increasingly conspicuous, it is a common view to find the reasons and solutions.

这其中的任一种都能触发抑郁症,因此其治疗需要对症下药。Because any of these can trigger and fuel a bout of major depression, treatments must often be customized on a patient-by-patient basis.

“如果能确定环境影响引起孤独症,更有可能知道如何精确地找到病因,对症下药,”她说。"If you can identify things in the environment that cause autism, you're more likely to know how to pinpoint it and treat it," she said.