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海伦舞蹈未无半大时了。Helen has danced for half an hour.

他是个发型糟糕的半大条虫。He's a postpubescent tapeworm with a bad haircut.

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看,来了两个半大小子,躲他们远点。Look, there come two big boys, keep away from them.

小球蟒愿意吃半大老鼠。Baby ball pythons will feed readily on half-grown mice.

故事的主人公格雷是一个念初中的半大小子。The protagonist Gray is a window boy in junior high school.

你有可能半大了解棒球,实在它跟美式棒球差不离。You don't probably know, what that is, but it's kinda like american baseball.

小黄瓜洗净、切丁,加入半大匙盐腌5分钟,然后用冷开水冲净,沥干。Wash and dice cucumber, marinate with salt for 5 minutes, then rinse under cold water. Drain.

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有个农村半大小子像是没留神把一推车玉米给弄翻了,住附近的一村民听见了动静。It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise.

其实,跟在老奶奶身后的半大小孩,或者年轻小媳妇,往往也现出害怕的样子。In fact, with the children and teenagers, behind the old lady, or the young Lady, often emerged in fear looks like.

爬虫军的科学家混合这些卵和他们自己的精子去培育出两个半大头颅半爬虫军后代。The Reptilian scientists blended the eggs with their own sperm and incubated two half Grand Master half Reptilian offspring.

我还有个大孙子,那可是我的心头肉。可你知道,半大小子,吃死老子。多亏了杰夫,让我还能养得起这熊孩子。I also have a grandson. He is awesome. But, you know, teenagers are very expensive. Thanks to Jeff, I'm still able to afford him.

常敬斋的儿子名叫石头,是他和小翠在新婚当晚怀上的,等常敬斋回来后,石头已经是十几岁的半大小子。Chang Jingzhai son named stone, was conceived in wedding night he and tusya, Chang Jingzhai returned, such as stone is already a small as teenage boy.

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本病例为一健康,无病症的一月半大女孩,她因为肝脏肿大且超音波检查发现肝内有一低回音性的囊状肿瘤而到台大医院做主一步的检查。The presenting case, an apparently healthy 1.5 month-old girl, had an enlarged liver with abnormal echo finding indicating presence of a multi-locular cystic lesion.

二十五只猴子排成康茄舞一般的队形杀入轻木林,宣告宴会拉开帷幕。孑然一身的成年猴和心急火燎的半大猴子冲在最前面,身上还挂着幼猴的妈妈们尾随其后。Twenty-five of them arrive in conga lines to claim the opening rounds, the unencumbered adults and brash teenagers up front, the mothers with their clinging babies at the rear.

锁上这些避孕套,原本就羞羞答答的半大孩子们,对健康性生活不置可否的年轻人,很有可能就改变主意空手离开商店了。Locked these condoms, originally on a half of timid children, sex life and not express an opinion on the health of young people, is likely to change his mind on leaving the store empty-handed had.