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风疹引起皮疹和腺体肿胀。Rubella causes a rash and swollen glands.

你感染风疹也可以没有任何症状。But you can have it without having any symptoms.

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人群对风疹病毒普遍易感。Humans are the only known host of rubella virus.

这些疫苗能保护你免受风疹感染。These vaccines protect you from getting infected with rubella.

从单价风疹疫苗到改用流行性腮腺炎、麻疹和风疹三联疫苗Switch from rubella vaccine to mumps, measles and rubella vaccine

现在一些国家规定接种MMR疫苗,那里的儿童感染风疹罕见。Now rubella is rare in countries where children have the MMR vaccine.

你也能通过与已感染病人接触而感染风疹。You can also catch rubella by touching someone who has the infection.

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带状疱疹、风疹的鉴别诊断、注意事项。Differentiation , diagnosis and cautions of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption.

这意味着你的身体在风疹病毒进入的时候能战胜风疹病毒。This means your body can fight off the rubella virus if it enters your body.

目的了解济南市市中区先天性风疹综合征发病情况。OBJECTIVE In order to understand the incidence of congenital rubella syndrome.

方法对645例风疹患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。Methods Retrospective analysis the clinical data of 645 cases rubella patients.

麻疹,腮腺炎以及风疹三联疫苗,这是一个非常昂贵的疫苗Measles, Mumps, and Rubella this is an established vaccine also quite expensive.

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先天风疹综合症造成近50个儿童残疾。Almost 50 children were born with disabilities caused by congenital rubella syndrome.

一些病毒——比如麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹还有小儿麻痹症病毒——不会随时间变化。Some viruses—for example measles, mumps, rubella, poliovirus—do not change over time.

比较来看,ELISA是一种简便、敏感和有效地检测风疹病毒抗体的方法。The ELISA is a simple, sensitive and effective method for detecting rubella antibody.

风疹是一种很常见的传染性疾病,主要在春季发病。Nettle rash is a kind of very common infectivity disease, basically be inSpringCome on.

本文介绍ELISA测定风疹病毒抗体的方法。This paper describes the application of the ELISA method to detecting rubella antibody.

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一研究是在日本一次风疹大流行期间观察385名学生。One study looked at what happened to 385 students during an epidemic of rubella in Japan.

本发明涉及一种重组风疹病毒E1蛋白及其应用。The invention relates to a recombinant rubella virus E1 protein and an application thereof.

目的探讨风疹应急性预防接种的效果,为控制风疹爆发疫情提供依据。Objective To evaluate prevention effectiveness of emergent vaccination for rubella outbreak.