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我们决不可自吹自擂。We must never brag and boast.

但他们对这个改变自吹自擂But here they are boasting about the change!

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他的演讲并没有夸大其词和自吹自擂。There was no bombast or conceit in his speech.

我讨厌总是自吹自擂的人。I get fed uo with anyone who brags all the time.

她的自吹自擂不过是不真诚的幌子。His bragging is just a front for his insincerity.

别全信他说的,他有点自吹自擂。Dont believe all he says — hes a bit of a boaster.

甲虫伸伸翅膀,自吹自擂的飞走了。Beetle stretched his wings and flew away boastfully.

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他写的这信不过是自吹自擂来提高自己的声望。His letter is just a self-serving and self promotion.

行为特点是自吹自擂,装腔作势。Behavior characteristic is self- dramatizing , mincing.

他为人非常谦逊从不自吹自擂。He is a very modest man who never blows his owm trumpet.

她上电视台唱过歌之后就一直自吹自擂。She has been on an ego trip since she sang on television.

他们求助于使用挖苦、讽刺、谩骂和自吹自擂。They resorted to sarcasm irony, invective and self-praise.

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不要自吹自擂,要切题。Don’t brag, make sure they are relevant to the conversation.

你说得对,美国不该在这方面自吹自擂。And you're right, the Americans should not be boastful in this regard.

这个自吹自擂的家伙老是吹牛,但他的邻居从来都不相信他吹的牛皮。The boaster always boasted, but his neighbor had never believed his boast.

回到本届总统竞选,共和党候选人关于外交政策的辩论充斥着虚张声势和自吹自擂。On the Republican side, foreign policy talk is all bluster and braggadocio.

他与情妇至少已有四个孩子,对此他还自吹自擂。He's fathered at least four children with mistresses, and he boasts about it.

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然而,由于超市常年不缀地自吹自擂,它们远比小铺子更能让顾客掏腰包。Yet the superstores, as they often boast, are far more efficient than small shops.

当人口出狂言,自吹自擂时,基督平静地掌管历史,使它迈向神已经定下的终局。While men bluster and boast, Christ calmly governs all history toward its God-appointed end.

我注意到,有时我和大家分享的东西听起来像是对这个系统自吹自擂。I realize that, often, what I share sounds like I'm bucking the system. I'm not an extremist.