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记忆,真的是被时间销蚀成了碎片?Memory, it is time to become debris erode ?

因为时间销蚀不了记忆里地炮烙。Because of the time can not erode to memory.

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粮食短缺可能销蚀人类文明?Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilisation?

你参与其中,她销蚀着你的时间,精力,甚至生命。You are playing, and she is sucking your time, energy, even your blood.

和大多数峡湾一样,阿拉斯加的基奈峡湾也是受冰川销蚀而形成。Like most fjords , the Kenai Fjords of Alaska formed by glacial carving.

看着飞涨的房价,我的希望一点点的销蚀。Looked at the soaring housing prices, I hope that's a little bit of erode.

不过RIM在过去几个月的所作所为将这一切销蚀殆尽。But its moves in the past several months are eroding all of that good will.

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它销蚀我们的财产,带来精神上的压力,甚至会损害家庭关系。It can consume our assets, bring on mental stress and even hurt our relationships.

更严重的是,这次的危机会进一步销蚀年轻人找到薪酬优厚的工作的能力。In addition, the crises will further erode young people’s ability to find gainful employment.

我们在跋涉中不断成熟,同样跋涉的过程也一点点地销蚀着我们的生命。We continue to mature in the journey of the same journey and also a little to erode our lives.

另一个重大发现是,陵墓的白色大理石和红色砂岩结构正在销蚀。Another significant discovery was withering of the monument's white marble and red sandstone structure.

我们都很清楚,工作场所的隐私正在快速销蚀,而且情况只会越来越糟。Privacy, as we all know well, is rapidly eroding in the workplace, and the situation only stands to get worse.

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联合政府在议会的优势已被先前的反叛渐渐销蚀,议会控制席数萎缩。The result is that the coalition's parliamentary majority—already eroded by previous defections—has evaporated.

人们经常性的触碰已经让白色大理石变黑,红色砂岩结构也在逐渐销蚀。Constant physical contact has darkened the white marble while the red sandstone structure is gradually decaying.

注意力的销蚀是理解为什么我们正处于一个文化和社会大损失时代拐点的关键。The erosion of attention is the key to understanding why we are on the cusp of a time of widespread cultural and social losses.

就连城市和乡村由来已久的传统差异也正在被永无休止的城市化进程逐渐销蚀掉。Even the traditional contrast between urban and rural setting is being eroded in a seemingly unstoppable expansion of suburban sprawl.

大船的残骸在海底沉寂销蚀了将近四分之三个世纪后,大船又活生生地展现在我们的面前。After resting on the ocean floor, split asunder and rusting for about three quarters of a century, a great ship seemed to come alive again.

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如果真实储蓄率是负的,则说明当前的行为正在销蚀发展所依赖的资本。If the genuine saving rate is negative, it provides an indication that current behaviour is eroding the capital on which its development depends.

作为公司对专业学位信任销蚀的另一个证据,密歇根州的Scheetz引用了公司招聘的一句行话。As further evidence of the erosion of corporate faith in specialized degrees, Michigan State's Scheetz cites a patter in corporate hiring practices.

现代社会普遍存在的民主的赤字、社会资本的销蚀和共享价值的迷失都是主动公民身份消解的后果。The democratic deficit, the erosion of social capital and the question of shared values prevailed in modern society are the consequences of the loss of active citizenship.