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阀门和开关。Valves and gauges.

请重设卡上的开关。Reset switch on card.

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别碰那开关!Don't touch the switch!

按钮开关易控制。Easy push button switch.

马达换相开关“,”Motor Pole Change Switch.

这门不就是开开关关的嘛。Gates just open and close.

这儿是电灯开关!Here is the light- switch.

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真空开关阀。Vacuum switching " valve."

本公司生产电源开关。We produce power switches.

QF3为检修电源开关。QF3 is overhaul power switch.

用后按启开关。Release the switch after use.

在某种形式上就是打开了他的开关That's sort of turning it on.

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小主人转动了开关。Turn the little master switch.

他按了一下谈话开关。He pressed the push-to-talk bar.

利用时间掣开关收音机。Turn on a radio by using a timer.

将直流表开关置于TR1位。Turn the dc meters switch to TR1.

在三通开关上塞上无菌塞子。Plug stopcocks with sterile plugs.

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这个限位开关装在什么地方?Where is the limit switch located?

他在黑漆黑搜求寻找开关。北京市。He felt in the dark for the switch.

倒车报警器,脚动开关。SAFETY. Reverse alarm, foot switch.