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屋子宽绰。The room is spacious.

他们有一个既宽绰又舒适的客厅。They have a spacious and comfortable living room.

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煤气在这儿,你瞧壁橱多宽绰。The gas is here, and you see there is plenty of closet room.

孩子们都离开家,我们住着就更宽绰了。Now that kids have left home, we've got a lot of extra space.

虽然他养成了一副绅士的气派,他并不宽绰。Although he cultivated the air of a gentleman, he was not a wealthy man.

也拥挤?哎呀,在交通繁忙的时刻你若坐一下地铁,你会羡慕沙丁鱼的罐头是多么大、么宽绰。Are they crowded? Say, after you have ridden on a subway during rush hour, you'll envy sardines for their big, spacious cans.

很多管理者发现,把时间定得长宽绰一点很实用,以防误工和出现意外。Many managers find it useful to pad schedules with a little extra time here and there to allow for unanticipated problems or delays.

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档高宽绰,除震器件运用充分,加上双螺旋弓弦套件,马刀真是又轻又快又不吵吵。With a generous brace height, ample V. E. M. dampening and Double Helix string harness, the Saber is as quiet and stealthy as it is fast.

户型内部空间宽绰大度,四周采用大玻璃窗,既强调将室外环境更多引入室内,又具备良好的采光和通风。The inside is spacious, with big glass windows arranged in four directions for good ventilation, rich natural light and broader appreciation of outside views.

作为一款宜商宜家的中级轿车,八代雅阁更偏向于商务,同时宽绰的空间还能为乘员带来更舒适的感觉。As a appropriate intermediate car dealer ikea, eight generations more accord to the business, at the same time, the space can also commodious crew to bring a more comfortable feeling.