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我的感冒仍然困扰着我。My cold still bothers me.

但没有哪个国家免遭结核的困扰。But no country is TB-free.

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她的痛脚困扰着她。Her sore foot bothers her.

今天,有些事一直在困扰着我。Something’s bugging me today.

你会受到伤病的困扰。You're going to get injuries.

激情变成困扰。Passions turns into obsession.

这个想法使我困扰。The thought came to assail me.

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他的耳朵被喧闹声所困扰。A loud noise assailed his ears.

,“什么还仍然困扰着我们?”" and "What still puzzles us?".

我理解你的困扰。A. I understand your frustration.

这样的话,它就不会困扰你和我了。Then it won’t trouble you and me.

然而有几个隐患困扰着中国。Yet several specters haunt China.

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而这并不会让我们感到困扰。And that doesn't bother us at all.

难以名状的恐惧困扰着他。He was troubled by nameless fears.

但那个问题一直困扰着他。But that question keeps egging him.

这一问题困扰着家长们。It’s a question that haunts parents.

恐惧和恐怖会一直困扰着我。Fear and terror will always haunt me.

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你有这样的困扰吗,一缕头发总是高高翘起。Got a tuft that's always sticking up?

肉价问题也困扰着北京的官员。That's worrying officials in Beijing.

有哪种幻想在困扰着你吗?Are there any illusions holding you back?