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但是明年。But next year.

他明年一月退休。He retires next January.

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这项工程明年上马。The project will start next year.

明年这里将建成一个大型的一站式大卖场。It will be a large church wedding.

明年要修一条新马路。A new road will be built next year.

我希望明年通过英语4级考试。I want to pass the CET-4 next year.

该款车将于明年年初发售。It will go on sale early next year.

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预计明年可以生产出样片。Sample chips are expectednext year.

我明年要学汉语。I’m going to study Chinese next year.

明年我的生命就可以万古长青。Next year, my life will last forever.

明年我不会再带天平来了。So next year don't pick up the scale.

明年,那些棉花会长得天一样高。Cotton ought to go sky-high next year.

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不用担心,明年还可以从头来过。Don't worry . There's still next year.

明年我有一个大学团聚。I have a university reunion next year.

我明年才具资格。I will get my qualification next year.

她希望明年能够恢复巡回演唱会。She hopes to resume touring next year.

新的营业处将在明年一月开张。The new office will open next January.

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这笔债务延期到明年偿还。This debt is rescheduled for next year.

如果不行我们明年可以再试试啊。We can try again next year if you fail.

朱莉安娜明年一月出产。Juliana is assured abender next January.