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先来总结一下。Here's a summary.

回顾和总结。Review and summarize.

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我会对作业进行总结。Homework will be posed.

总结一下上节课的内容So, summary of last time.

第五部分是对全文的总结。The fifth part is sum-up.

对名词性物主代词进行总结。The possessive form of nouns.

编制项目总结报告。Makes project summary reports.

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验收总结报告?。ASR? acceptance summary report?

让我用这句话来做个总结Let me just end here with this.

作者最后对Volta做了简要总结The authors conclude that Volta

然后,他总结了一下我们大家的意见。Then he summed up our opinions.

我们总结一下所学到的知识吧Okay, so what do we know so far?

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让我来总结一下我所说的Let me summarize what I'm saying.

他总结出了整个苏联的纷纷扰扰。He summarizes the Soviet imbroglio

他为她总结营业额。He summed up the turnover for her.

讨论互相评改,听教师总结。Discuss it in pairs, and sum it up.

并归至辉煌之总结――And come to the brilliant conclusion

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然后你总结一句,“这叫升华。And then you say, "That's sublimation.

可是阿诺德如此热情的总结很快就被人们忘在了脑后。Arnold’s summation was soon forgotten.

让我们从中总结点经验教训Let's draw out some lessons from this.