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他获得三枚金牌和一枚铜牌。He won three golds and a bronze.

切赫和日本选手松田丈志分别获得该项目的银牌和铜牌。Takeshi Matsuda of Japan got the bronze.

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中国选手杨伊琳得到铜牌。Yang Yilin of China won the bronze medal.

100米仰泳决赛后,傅园慧没有意识到自己获得了铜牌。After the final for the 100-meter backstroke, Ms.

何时用金银铜牌颁奖?When were gold, silver and bronze medals awarded?

在雅典该国获得了两枚银牌和一枚铜牌。It won two silver and one bronze medals in Athens.

英国人埃基内斯以10秒17获得铜牌。Eiki British Martinez 17 to 10 seconds bronze medal.

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赢得银牌和铜牌也非常重要。It's also important to win silver and bronze medals.

这次比赛的铜牌最后落到了澳大利亚选手劳特斯坦的手里。That bronze went to Andrew Lauterstein of Australia.

第26届奥运会上,我国获金牌16枚、银牌22枚、铜牌12枚。At the 26th China won 16 gold, 22 silver and 12 bronze.

她的队友杨伊琳以16.650的成绩摘得铜牌。He's teammate Yang Yilin won the bronze with 16.650 points.

在铜牌争夺战中阿根廷以87-75战胜立陶宛。Argentina defeated Lithuania 87-75 in the bronze-medal game.

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加拿大队和美国队分获银牌和铜牌。Host Canada took the silver and the US picked up the bronze.

在雅典奥运会上,丹麦一共获得了两枚金牌和六枚铜牌。In total, Demark won two gold and six bronze medals in Athens.

张怡宁和郭燕获得了此次比赛的铜牌。Zhang Yining and Guo Yan, both of China, picked bronze medals.

澳大利亚、墨西哥分获银牌和铜牌。Australia took the silver medal, and the bronze went to Mexico.

她在欧洲锦标赛上为英国队赢得铜牌。She won bronze for Great Britain in the European Championships.

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尤莉安蒂将和卢兰争夺铜牌。Yulianti will compete for the bronze against Lu Lan from China.

我手上那块布还不住地擦着铜牌,一刻没有松劲。I never slackened the strokes of my piece of chino upon the brass.

而中国的王励勤击败瑞典的佩尔森获得铜牌。And China's Wang Liqin defeated Sweden's Jorgen Persson for bronze.