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英国东印度公司于1639年在此建立圣·乔治要塞。Founded in 1639 as Fort St.

军队袭击那个要塞。The army assailed the fortress.

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那要塞怎麽也攻不下来。The fortress defied every attack.

现在已经是虎门要塞了。Is yet tower in the tiger door now.

洛里•伯德要塞坐落在这里。Lori Berd fortress is located here.

我们将大炮对准要塞。We trained our cannon upon the fort.

这要塞没设任何出入的门禁。No doors there are to this stronghold.

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这样,他们创造了要塞和美丽的村庄。They make forts and wonderful villages.

军队把大炮瞄向要塞。The army trained its cannon On the fort.

要塞一枪没放就失守了。The fort fell without a shot being fired.

他们夺回军港中的一个要塞。They retook a fortress in the naval port.

他领导了对敌人要塞的进击。He led an assault on the enemy's fortress.

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那要塞放弃给敌人了。The fortress was delivered up to the enemy.

他们弃守要塞给敌人。They surrendered the fortress to the enemy.

他们一枪未放便把要塞丢了。They deserted the fort without firing a shot.

第五装甲师驻扎在诺克斯要塞。The Fifth Armoured Division was based at Fort Knox.

将军火速前往救援该要塞。The general hastened to the relief of the fortress.

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绝望的决斗!机动要塞超强音!The Duel of Despair! Fortissimo the Moving Fortress!

佐拉姆加前哨站将会变为一座战歌堡风格的要塞。Zoram'gar Outpost will be a Warsong Hold style base.

很快,他们看起来就像是要塞的一员了。Soon they seemed almost like members of the garrison.