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萎靡的生命如同死亡本身。A life unlived is no different than death.

现在市场萎靡正在向北方扩展。Now the market malaise appears to be spreading northward.

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秋初,抵押贷款市场依然萎靡。Into early autumn, the mortgage market continued to slump.

它如夏花一样灿烂,萎靡。It dazzled like summer flowers, resplendent and self-indulgent.

身材魁梧的小刘接受采访时完全没有吸毒者的萎靡。Tall and strapping Liu interviews of the drug did not make them apathetic.

一个月过去他逐渐消瘦萎靡,吃的不过是稀粥,他只想速死。When he first saw the wasted prisoners in S-21, he thought it was all over for him.

中国春节去年在2月份,同月出口萎靡。The Chinese new year occurred in February last year and depressed exports that month.

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萎靡的股市,楼市和商品市场使大量的富人脱富返贫。Plummeting stock, property and commodity markets have cleaned out many wealthy people.

秘鲁海岸被暴雨淹没,而澳大利亚东南部却在干旱中萎靡。Torrential rains flood the coast of Peru, while south-eastern Australia wilts in drought.

随着债券收益率日渐萎靡,眼下投资者纷纷涌向高派息股票。With the income from bonds withering away, investors are piling into dividend-paying stocks.

恒盛地产曾在2008年6月接近发行IPO,但后来由于投资者需求萎靡而被迫放弃。Glorious came close to launching an IPO in June 2008, but backed off as investor demand waned.

我腻在我妈妈家里的那几个月真是悲惨又萎靡的几个月。Those were miserable, enervating months — all of which I spent stuck inside my mother’s house.

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斜阳外,夏花早已萎靡,不管爱与恨,早已是落地无声。The setting sun outside, summer flowers have long slump, both love and hate, is already fall silent.

我看到他的时候,他萎靡地靠在椅子里,那副萧索的姿态是我以前从未见过的。When I did see him, he often sat slumped in his chair in a defeated pose I’d never encountered before.

看看他们如何萎靡,双肩前倒,然后可以立马在女人说任何话的时候挂上假笑。Watch how they slump over, let their shoulders fall forward, and smile fake-ly at whatever the women say.

日益猖獗的海盗导致当地渔业日渐萎靡,因为出口公司都躲得远远的。Piracy is killing off the remains of the local fishing industry because export companies are staying away.

魏薇回家后神态萎靡,宁雨猜测她大概知道了照片的事,但又不敢问。Wei wei returned home look weak, ning rain guess she probably know about the photos, but were afraid to ask.

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最显著的就是房地产市场依然萎靡,各州和地方政府预算还是混乱。Most prominently, the housing market is still awful, and state and local government budgets are still a mess.

在当前全球常规观赏植物利润微薄,需求萎靡的环境下,香草类和蔬菜类观赏植物可以带来更高的毛利润。In an environment of shrinking margins and flat demand, herbs and vegetables are offering higher gross margins.

贞洁——不要纵欲过度以致萎靡、虚弱,或者影响你自己或他人的平静生活与名誉。Chastity – Never misuse venery to dulness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.