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一个是把“四十年来家国,三千里路山河”拱手送与他人的南唐后主。Li Yi is the Southern Tang emperor who gives way to other people.

一南唐后主,肉担降宋,过着如同囚犯的日子,屈辱挨打。Nantang, meat and descending song, live like prisoners day, humiliation.

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第三章主要对宋人南唐史著内容进行分析。The third chapter related to Content Analysis of Nan-tang history books.

南唐后主李煜,在他写的词中也颇多“风”。Li Yu, the emperor of Southern Tang Dynasty, in his poems many contented "wind."

当我们站在今天,新名字,有40名管理的地盘,解释程介南唐尼,英国行销总监。As we stand today, Ikon has 40 managed sites, explains Gary Downey, UK marketing director.

画卷中的主人公是南唐中书侍郎韩熙载。Gu Hongzhong's Han Xizai Evening Banquet is one of the masterpieces of Southern Tang Dynasty painting.

南唐文学无论创作数量还是文学成就上,都堪称是五代文学的代表。Nantang' s literature are the delegate of Five Dynasties' literature, for the works number and achivement.

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泛舟河上,您会充分领略到“州建南唐”的历史厚重。Boating on the river, you will fully appreciate the "Southern Tang state building" in the history of heavy.

在959下,南唐政权,它成为南昌县,也优于南部资本。In 959, under the Southern Tang regime, it became Nanchang superior prefecture and also the southern capital.

伍乔,庐江人。南唐时举进士第一,仕至考功员外郎。诗一卷。Joe Ng, Lujiang people. Scholars cite the first surname of the time, Shi Gong Yuan Wailang to the test. Poetry volume.

自然与人为之间的巧妙对话和质位互换,仿佛上演着南唐才子独占的风花雪月。Natural and man-made spaces between clever dialogue and exchange of quality, as a staged Southern Tang Wets exclusive movie.

南唐也推动了五代十国最终走向统一的历史进程。Southern Tang Regime also promotes the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ultimately to the historical process of reunification.

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决定南唐方镇体制崩解的根本因素是安定战略。The basic factor that led to the disintegration of the Southern Tang Dynasty's Fangzhen system was the strategy of stabilization.

在词学思想史上,南唐词学思想是由花间过渡到北宋的一个重要环节。Their ideas played an important role in the transition of Ci from Hua Jian style to the Northern Song in the history of Ci's ideas.

所有的爱心礼物将被送到安徽南唐村,启明书社在那里已经设立了一个图书馆。All the Loving Stockings collected this Christmas will go to Nantang Village, Anhui Province, where a Sunrise Library is established.

南唐词学活动主要集中于宫廷贵族之家,作家主要是南唐君臣。The activity of creating Ci-poetry was mostly taken in the court and noble families, where the King and his officials indulged in it.

济南唐冶新区体育中心主体结构采用混凝土结构,屋盖和墙面支撑体系采用钢结构。The main building of sports center in Tangye district of Jinan city is concrete structure, and the roof and curtain wall are steel structures.

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“做个词人真绝代,可怜薄命做君王”,每每说起南唐后主李煜,便会想起这句话。"Be a word people are really Marie, poor king born unlucky to do", Often talk about Southern Tang emperor Li Yu, they will think of this sentence.

这幅绘画作品分为五个部分,描绘了南唐中书舍人韩熙载举行的夜宴上所发生的一切事。This painting is divided into five sections, and depicts all that was going on during a banquet given by Han Xizai, master of the Grand Secretariat.

就突然想起李后主,五代十国,过眼云烟,短命的又何止是李煜,更是整个南唐。Suddenly remembered Li Houzhu, Five Dynasties and Ten States, superficial, and short-lived even greater than the Li Yu, but the entire Southern Tang.