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你何必多疑?Why should you be so suspicious?

告诉你们吧,我是个多疑的人。Let me tell you, I was skeptical.

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多疑的钝根众生,也许会这样地问,可是呢?Skeptical and dull living beings might ask that.

处女座可能会表现出挑剔、多疑、冷酷和爱管闲事。Virgos may be fussy, skeptical, cold, and interfering.

你的空头许诺对于多疑的客户来说毫无用途。Your empty promises are lost on the skeptical consumer.

我的一些多疑的支持者们认为我是被某人算计了。My paranoid supporters thought I’d been set up by somebody.

买黄金的人是地球上最多疑的人。People who trade gold are the most paranoiac on the planet.

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洛维兹自然会变得多疑而没有安全感喽。Naturally, Wolowitz is overcome with paranoia and insecurity.

生性多疑的小秋巡视了一圈周边环境。The skeptical Pelle had a look around the surrounding environment.

抑或生性多疑的曹操真有七十二疑冢?Or is it just one of 72 fake graves built by the suspicious Cao Cao?

之后,狡猾多疑的她又对叶凌青旁敲侧击。Cunning suspicious of her to Ye Lingqing again after the beat about the bush.

他是一个有着一张大脸膛和多疑的眼睛的,笨拙如巨人般的男子。He was a big clumsy giant of a man with broad face and small suspicious eyes.

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有位多疑的老公雇了个私家侦探,调查老婆的行踪。A suspicious husband hired a private eye to check on the movements of his wife.

我心里多忧多疑、你安慰我、就使我欢乐。When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.

眼睛凹下去很深,目光锐利多疑,让人看了不舒服。His eyes were set very deep in his head, and were disagreeably sharp and suspicious.

拉希德在代表伊拉克方面向多疑的联合国专家表证清白方面做得相当不错。Rasheed did a very good job representing Iraq's case to extremely skeptical U. N. experts.

另外,你喜欢沉思,易于记仇,而且可能会有些多疑,又怀有报复心。You also have a tendency to brood and to bear grudges and can be suspicious and vindictive.

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多疑的书评人没有看穿这个骗局,对他们的工作表示赞同。Skeptical reviewers did not see through this deception and gave their approval to their work.

有些人性格内向,好生闷气,脾气古怪,多疑多虑。Some people are introvert, exceedingly is fuggy , disposition is eccentric, suspicious much Lv.

刚下船,就有一位非常多疑的警察就向我们“打招呼”。We were greeted by a particularly suspicious police officer as soon as we stepped off the boat.