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那不明飞行物呢?And UFOs?

这是一个不明物体。It’s an unknown object.

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意向不明。One's intention is not clear.

我们都不明真相。We are all unaware of the truth.

有不明原因的子宫出血Have unexplained uterine bleeding

欧洲市场情况不明。The European market is uncertain.

他的确不明真相。He is really unaware of the truth.

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他去处不明。His present whereabouts is unknown.

我船和不明物体相碰。I have collided with unknown object.

我船和一艘不明船相碰。I have collided with unknown vessel.

现在房间里是八只不明真相的猴子。Eight new monkeys are now in the room.

我不信关于见到不明飞行物的各种报道。I disbelieved reports of UFO sightings.

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你的个人情况暧昧不明。Your personal situation is fluctuating.

也许你我终将行踪不明。Maybe you and I will eventually missing.

丘吉尔接到的报告称,一架侦察机在执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随。by a UFO as it crossed the British coast.

奥库斯的背景与原形全都不明。Orcus' background and origins are unknown.

乳腺囊肿病因依旧不明。The cause of breast cysts remains unknown.

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在那里她遇到了一个不明来历的陌生人李军。There she meets a shadowy stranger Li Jun.

他收到她的一封态度不明的信。He received a noncommittal letter from her.

你看到不明来历的“飞蚊”和闪光吗?。Have you seen any " floaters" and "flashes"?