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全身还是半身?Fulling or halfing?

还有,瞄准那个半身人。And aim for the halfling.

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你觉得他是个半身人吗?Do you think he's a halfling?

把半身人交给我,女精灵。Give up the halfling, She-Elf.

大理石的半身象,简直就象是坟山。Marble busts all looked like a cemetery.

呜哇!我是古往今来最浑的半身人!Woot! I am the most badass halfling EVER!

你面前的这个半身人沉着的注视着你。The halfling before you regards you coolly.

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好。要全身的还是半身的?Alright. Do you want full-body or half-body?

买牛的一侧的后半身的肉时要看清楚价格。Look into the price of buying a side of beef.

世界经济就恰如半身悬于峭壁外的火车。The global economy is like a train hanging over a cliff.

另附两张2吋半身脱帽照片以便制作学籍记载表及学生证。Two 2-inch photos for registration form and student ID card.

一些学者相信这些半身曾经出现。Few scholars actually believe the mighty demigods even existed.

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我家乡的半身人拿着铅板证明自己已经成年。Halflings of my village carry lead sheets to prove our manhood.

借不到裤子,只好全部是人物的半身镜头。By less than pants, so they are all half-length figures of the lens.

你要照半身照、侧面照还是全身照?Would you like to take a bust, a profile, or a full-length portrait?

你要我拍半身照,侧面照,还是全身照?。Would you like me to take a bust, a profile, or a full-length portrait?

女式或女童半身衬裙,纺织材料制,非针织或钩编。Women's or girls' half-slip, of textile materials, not knitted or crocheted.

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半身人倾向于光着脚,但在必要的时候他们能跑的很快。Halflings also tend to be light of foot, and can move quietly when necessary.

并且也切掉唐吉诃德半只耳朵,还把他左半身的甲胄砍裂了。It also cut off half Don Quixote's ear, and tore off his armour on that side.

套装????正规女装西裤、半身裙或连身裙套装,即配有外套。Suits??? Formal women's trouser , skirt or dress suit e. g. including jacket.