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没有一颗打开的心灵,就没有任何光之语的运演法则可在能量场中正确转动。Without an open heart none of the Language of Light algorithms spin properly in the field.

当这些运演法则通过能量场的转动而移动时,就会产生特定的彩色光芒并允许原谅从而诞生。As the algorithms are moved through the field rotation, certain pastel hues form and allow for the birth of forgiveness.

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用磷酸复合盐浸演法对石墨材料进行浸渍,研究其抗氧化性。The method of complex phosphate impregnation for improving the oxidation resistance of graphite materials was described.

原谅的特别运演法则是通过对光之语及全一之语的掌握所达成的理解。The algorithms of forgiveness are an acquired understanding that comes through mastery over the Language of Light and Language of ONE.

以地震主测线为格架,结合烃源岩、岩性、热流、测试分析资料为依据,采用正演法开展二维盆地模拟工作。Based on seismic lines, hydrocarbon source rock, lithology, thermal stream and test data, a two dimensional forward model of the basin has been made.

采用反演法推求力学参数时只存在近似解,反演成果也易受多种因素影响。It is pointed out that back analysis can only give an approximate assessment of the material parameters because the assessment is affected by many factors.

从两个国外的典型实例可看出正演法及复原法在地震资料解释中的应用。Two abroad typical cases have been cited to illustrates the application of forward calculation and restoring method respectively in seismic data interpretation.

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本文提出了应用两层二度矩形棱柱体的下界面近似地模拟两个密度界面起伏的重力反演法。The paper describes a gravity inversion the lower surface of two dimensional rectangle prisms which are in two rows can delineate the undulations of two density interfaces.

针对具有参数不确定性的单机械臂系统,采用自适应反演法设计出跟踪控制器,并且给出了不确定参数的自适应律。An output tracking controller is designed to a one-DOF link robot system by adaptive back-stepping approach, the character of the robot system is that there are uncertain parameters.

王家1井的实钻钻井液密度数据证实了利用地震反演法预测的安全钻井液密度窗口是准确的,具有工程利用价值。It was improved by Wangjia No. 1 practice drilling mud density that prediction safe drilling mud by use of seismic inversion is accuracy and in possession of engineering utility value.

目前,应用重力资料研究逆冲推覆构造,多采用重力延拓法、重力模型正演法和重力、地震综合解释法。In present gravity exploration of overthrust nappe, people usually use gravity continuation method, forward gravity modelling method and integrated gravity-seismic interpretation method.

以类似方式,这一运演法则可以协助人类在酸涩音乐还需要被解除的地方将其减少,并增强更甜美的声音与音乐,以便更甜美的梦想可以被整个吸引到你的身上。In parallel this algorithm can aid humans in diminishing sour music where it has yet to be released and enhancing sweeter music and sound so that sweeter dreams are drawn to oneself overall.

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讨论了水汽总量和云中液态水含量的统计反演法以及水汽垂直分布的迭代反演法。A statistical method for retrieving the total water vapor and cloud liquid water content and a non-linear iterative algorithm for retrieving the water vapor profiles in the troposphere are discussed.