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参军入伍?Join the army?

你是想征召我入伍吗?Are you recruiting me?

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他于1997年应征入伍。He was called up in 1997.

他响应征召入伍从军。He answered the call to army.

他被征召入伍。He was drafted into the army.

他的儿子在1914年应征入伍。His son was called up in 1914.

他决定入伍当美国海军陆战队士兵。He decided to enlist in the Marines.

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菲利浦在一九六四个八月被征召入伍。Philip was called up in August 1964.

应征,应募,入伍,参军。He enrolled in the army after graduation.

约翰去年被应征入伍。John was drafted into the Army last year.

你不会不让我入伍,对吧,汤姆?You wouldn't shet me out, would you, Tom?

他在战争中入伍服现役。He enlisted for active service in the war.

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什么?他已经被应征入伍了?What? He's been conscripted into the army?

我告诉你们,明天你们就要应征入伍了。I tell you, tomorrow you will be mobilized.

他们十九岁时被征召入伍。They were called up at the age of nineteen.

我把参军入伍当做一条不错的职业之路。I regard joining the army a good career path.

在美国怎么样才能入伍?How do you join the army in the United States?

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军中一半以上是应征入伍者。Over half the army was composed of conscripts.

你是自己参的军,还是被迫入伍的?Did you join up or were you forced into the army?

战争爆发后的第三个月,我被应征入伍。I was called up three months after war broke out.