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他一直被软禁在位于曼哈顿的公寓中,受到24小时监视居住。He had been confined to his Upper East Side apartment on 24-hour home detention.

报道说,有七人为监视居住,另有三人取保候审。Seven are under house detention while another three are out on bail, the report said.

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监视居住可根据具体情况,采取不同的监视方式。Different kinds of surveillance can be used for surveillance of residence according to specific circumstances.

监视居住作为我国一项刑事强制措施,对我国刑事侦查和审判工作有着重要作用。Residential surveillance in China as a criminal coercive measures of our country, the criminal investigation and trial work plays an important role.

对被请求引渡人不采取引渡逮捕措施的,应当及时作出引渡监视居住的决定。Where the measure of arrest for extradition is not taken against the person sought, a decision for residential surveillance shall be made without delay.

第三十三条引渡拘留、引渡逮捕、引渡监视居住由公安机关执行。Article 33 Detention for extradition, arrest for extradition and residential surveillance for extradition shall be executed by the public security organs.

今后修改刑诉法时应对监视居住的条件加以明确,对于拘留和逮捕的条件应予以降低。Revisions hereafter of criminal procedure law should clarify the prerequisite for supervision of residence and lessen the conditions for detention and arrest.

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小U的主要是日营,不过,与会者生活以外的布兰登有意参加迷你u可以选择的选项一监视居住程序。Mini U is primarily a day camp, however, participants living outside of Brandon who wish to attend Mini U can choose the option of a supervised residence program.

取保候审与拘传、监视居住、拘留、逮捕共同构成我国刑事诉讼法强制措施体系。Release upon bail pending trial, residential surveillance, detention, and arrest constitute mandatory measures of the Code of Criminal Procedure System of our country.

解除取保候审、监视居住,应当及时通知被取保候审、监视居住人和有关单位。The person who has obtained a guarantor pending trial or who is under residential surveillance and the units concerned shall be notified of the termination immediately.

我要寻找一个自定义应用程序,将重量轻,监视居住外汇数据具体的设置条件饲料,然后提醒用户,当这些情况发生。I am looking for a custom light weight application that will monitor a live forex data feed for specific setup conditions and then alert the user when these conditions occur.

监视居住是我国刑事诉讼法规定的五种强制措施中问题最多、争议最大的一种,有相当大的研究价值。Residential surveillance is the issue of the most problems and disputes among the five coercive measures stipulated in China's criminal law, the study of which is of significant value.

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在此基础上,从我国刑事诉讼的现实需要出发对监视居住制度的完善进行了初步的研究。Based on such efforts and as far as the practical needs for criminal litigation is concerned, this paper has made a preliminary probe into the perfection of the residential surveillance system.