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他为了选票向这选区游说拜票。He canvassed the district for votes.

选区里没有克隆来解除链接。No clones to unlink in the selection.

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伊斯兰堡是他的选区之一。Islamabad is part of his constituency.

曹先生告诉支持者,“第二选区的人们认为,我们需要新的方向,我们需要行动,我们需要可靠的人。”We want new direction. We want action.

这样应当会在行星四周生成一个矩形选区。This should bring up a marquee around the planet.

他在国会中代表布拉德福选区的人民。He represents the people of Bradford in Parliament.

在新建一个选区,使用一个新的渐变色填充。Create another selection and fill with a new gradient.

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需要被减去部分的选区如下图。Subtract parts of the selection to obtain the one below.

首先,我们需要一个选区,包括手掌和手臂的选区。We need to make a selection around the hand and the arm.

本人已登记为地方选区的选民。I am a registered elector for a geographical constituency.

他被选为北方工业选区之一的代表。He represented one of the northern industrial constituency.

使用套索在你的图像周围画一个粗略的选区。Use your Lasso to draw a rough selection around your image.

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本人已登记为地方选区的选民。I am a registered elector for the geographical constituency.

还有各种称之为衰败或口袋选区的选区。There were also various so-called rotten or pocket boroughs.

退出快速蒙版模式,我们得到了影子的选区。Exit Quick Mask mode and we have the selection of the shadow.

克林顿家族是从耶尔县迁过来的,也在选区内。And Yell County, where the Clintons were from, was part of it, too.

全部加起来,我在选区的21个县中的5个县里有亲戚。All told, I had relatives in five of the districts twenty-one counties.

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她在自己的选区未能赢得多数索马里裔美国人的选票。She did not win a majority of the Somali-American votes in her district.

挑战者指控现任者重划选区是为了保住席位。The challengers accuse the incumbent of gerrymandering to keep his seat.

还有,共和党在重划选区上将有史无前例的控制权。Moreover, Republicans will have unprecedented control over redistricting.