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犬养让他们告诉日本军部,秦汉杰已经死亡。A dog let them tell the Japanese army, Qin Jie has died.

随着天色渐暗,日本军部的舞会开端了。As it was getting dark, the Japanese army party beginning.

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是的,我有,可是我并不想在军部工作。Yes, i do, though actually I have no interest in working here.

同盟军的士兵们都认为他们正在射击的是联盟军部将。The Confederate soldiers thought they were firing on Union officers.

而雷锦仪却被暴露了身份,关在了军部的地牢里。And LeiJinYi was exposed the identity, is locked in military dungeon.

藤田布置中村功回东京跟军部申述。Cane fields inside decorate reactive back to Tokyo with allegations army.

自由研究炼金术,或是你可以决定到军部工作,等级是少校。You can study alchemy as you wish, or work in the assembly, being a captain.

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第二部分规定,“永远不保持陆海空军部队”。The second part says that “land, sea and air forces will never be maintained.

“皖南事变”后,新四军重建军部。Southern anhui incident, the reconstruction of the new fourth army headquarters.

日本,中村功回到了军部,将容许破译的密码提交给营左。Japan, power back to the village, will allow the army spacing submitted to the left.

美国军部不同意发起这样的攻击。American military planners did not agree about the best way to launch such an attack.

这是和日本政府及军部共同商议后确定的。This was decided after discussion with the Japanese government and army headquarters.

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购自美国海军军部,有襟章、腰带及军帽,连太阳眼镜。US Navy White Choker Uniform Set with a hat, webbing belt, sun glasses, ribbons, insignias &medals.

她到阁楼上取下一份儿血迹斑斑的文件,上面盖着陆军部的印章。She went to the loft and came back with a blood-stained paper bearing the official War Department seal.

军部情报局接到电报,通商银行被抢,中村功决议回上海。Military intelligence agencies had cable, trade bank robbed village work return to Shanghai, resolution.

武田的尸体被军部发现了,营左发现了尸体上的刺青,他以为那是一组密码。WuTian's body was found the army camp, left found the body tattoo, he thought it was a group of password.

次月,联邦军部将非爱尔兰人组建的马萨诸塞第29步兵团与由爱尔兰人构成的马萨诸塞第28步兵团做了交换。The next month, officials swapped the non-Irish 29th Massachusetts Regiment for the Irish 28th Massachusetts.

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营左回到了上海,而在东京,军部也开端调查那起神秘的车祸。The left back to Shanghai, and in Tokyo, military investigation that the mysterious and start the car accident.

日本军部和外务省对“满蒙”的问题在处理方针上意见处于矛盾与统一中。The Foreign Ministry and the Japanese Military had conflict in the views of dealing with the Manmeng's problems.

藤田想发电报给东京让军部拘留中村功,云子压服他再给中村功一次时机。Cane fields to cabled Tokyo let military detention reactive, cloud son over village he give a time reactive nakamura.