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仲夏日之梦,有我,亦有你。Midsummer day, I, have you.

仲夏雨过之后彩虹跨越天幕。Midsummer rain after rainbow across backdrop.

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嘿,现在已经是仲夏了,我们要这些东西干什么?It’s mid-summer now. What do we need them for?

加小茴香的鸡蛋是传统的仲夏节食品。Eggs with dill are a traditional Midsummer food.

尽管这样,阿拉伯的春天也到了仲夏。The Arab Spring continues even now in midsummer.

在仲夏的黎明里,漂亮的女人总是还沉睡在睡梦里。Fair women are usually asleep at midsummer dawns.

嘿,现在已经是仲夏了,我们要这些东西干什么?Listen! It's mid-summer now. What do we need them for?

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仲夏的风,款款飘来,带来丝丝凉爽,消暑解热。The wind in middle summer comes kindly, making skin cool.

可幸的是,沙尘暴是季节性的,仲夏之后就会停止。Thankfully, they are seasonal and will pass by mid-summer.

铁线莲枯萎病常常发生在初夏到仲夏这段时期。Clematis wilt most frequently shows up in early to mid-summer.

老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。The old aged cannot bear up against the midsummer heat this year.

仲夏酷暑尤其令人难熬。It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat.

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仲夏山溪逢雨迸发,沿嘉道理农场的陡坡奔流而下。A stream, in spate after summer rains, descends through Kadoorie Farm.

每逢仲夏时节,野生海棠开满沟谷,清香四溢。Every mid-summer, full of wild crabapple valley, fragrance overflowing.

在仲夏,它可以热和渔业等,所以,就好像它是徒劳无功。In mid-summer, it can be hot and the fishing so-so , just like it is anywhere.

如今仲夏的伦敦,人们又恢复了往日的从容和自信。But now back in mid-summer London, I can see that people have regained confidence.

而房子本身就是这仲夏的一切美景的适宜的保卫者。And the house itself was a fit guardian for all the beauty of this heart of summer.

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每逢仲夏时节,野生海棠花开满沟谷,清香四溢。Every mid-summer, the wild crabapple blossoms filled valley, fragrance overflowing.

在芬兰的斯堪地那维亚,仲夏日是一年中的重要节日。In the Scandinavian country of Finland, midsummer is the main festival of the year.

这是很少是在仲夏时节个月的问题时,黑点在其最糟糕的。It is rarely a problem during the mid-summer months when black spot is at its worst.