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和李阳一起读巴哈伊祷文。Read Bahai prayers with Li Yang.

我试图背诵主祷文。I tried to say the lord's prayer.

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神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。The priest intoned the final prayer.

我试图背诵主祷文,但喉咙发紧,说不出话来。My throat was too tight for words to come.

政客们在电视演播室里朗诵祷文。Politicians recite their liturgies in TV studios.

那天他所看到的就像是一份祷文。What he saw that day was like an answered prayer.

一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book.

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总共有两卷福音书记载了这篇「主祷文」。The Lord's prayer is recorded twice in the gospels.

我们会集中研究开头的那段祷文。You will focus, however, on the opening invocation.

只学了几篇阿拉伯祷文。你记得吗?We only learned some Arabic prayers. Do you remember?

今天我们的祷文就是告诉大家三个祈祷流程公式。Our verse today gives us the formula for how this works.

说不定,那个瓶子里就装着一条关于我们的祷文,谁知道呢?Still, I think there might be a prayer about us in that jar.

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礼拜堂里,你会听到修女们吟颂着祷文。In the chapel you can listen to the nuns chanting their prayers.

另外,学生被要求齐声背诵主祷文。In addition, the students were to recite the Lord's Prayer in unison.

当我们开始唱祝祷文,奥斯卡会将手伸向玛莉安,握住她的手。When we began to sing, Oscar reached over and took Marian's hands in his.

玛妮雅低声背诵了主祷文,谨慎地不流露自己的感情。Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings.

经过若干时日,她的疾病居然因为念诵主祷文而痊愈了。In a matter of days, praying mostly with the Lord's Prayer, she was healed.

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我试图背诵主祷文,但喉咙发紧,说不出话来。I tried to say the Lord's Prayer. My throat was too tight for words to come.

我们主耶稣将主祷文作为向门徒显示如何祷告的示范。Our Lord Jesus taught this prayer as a model to show His disciples how to pray.

通过实践和知识,通过阅读圣作和祷文提醒自身。Through practice, knowledge, remind yourself by reading holly words and prayers.