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您注意到画上的题词了吗?Did you notice the inscriptions on the painting?

那只钟上有汉字题词。The bell bears an inscription in chinese characters.

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他对学生曾题词“学我者生、似我者死”。He had the students wrote, "I learn to health, I like to die."

这些题词能帮助我们理解画家的思想和感情。The inscriptions can help us understand the painter's idea and emotions.

“大街就是文明的顶峰,”他在引言性的题词中说。Main Street is the climax of Civilization, " he warned in a prefatory note."

毕业时同学们互相题词勉。At graduation the students presented each other with valedictory inscriptions.

他是葛底斯堡公墓的题词演说者。He was the principle speaker at the dedication of the Gettysburg cemetery dedication.

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作者与读者之间的交互并不局限于题词。The interaction between readers and authors doesn’t stop with the inscription though.

张春贤近日为湘钢写下了这样的题词。Zhang Chunxian for the Xiangtan Iron and Steel recently wrote the inscription of this.

本托土盖罗纪念碑6题词的几个翻译都十分相似。The few translations of this inscription from Tortuguero Monument 6 are all very similar.

玛塔依于2005年主持了该基金会的年度讲座,并在讲座上为该基金会进行了题词。The foundation hosted Maathai in 2005, when she headlined the foundation's annual lecture.

几年过后,我决定给莉莉安一个惊喜,把我的新书题词献给她。A couple of years passed, and I decided to surprise Lillian by dedicating a new book to her.

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这是一幅兔斯基漫画上的题词,看后让人揪心地痛苦,或者喜悦。This is a rabbit in the comics inscription, after looking worried people to pain, or pleasure.

巴黎的一个大银行家请求著名的画家霍拉斯·凡尔纳在题词簿上稍微画饰一下。A great Paris banker begged Horace Vernet , the celebrated painter, to do a little thing for his album.

即便是现在,读着那暗黄的扉页上的题词,我依旧感觉到一种苦涩的甜蜜。Reading the inscription on the now yellowing frontispiece gives me such bittersweet emotions, even now.

杭州西湖在1999年就递交了作为“文化遗产”的世界遗产名录的题词。The West Lake first submitted for inscription on the World Heritage List as "Cultural Properties" in 1999.

1951年,苏州市一名8岁小学生陈永康帮助警察捉住了一名特务。事后,毛***主席为他题词“好好学习,天天向上”作为奖励。Mao Zedong wrote to honor an 8-year-old boy, Chen Yongkang, who helped police catch a spy in Suzhou, in 1951.

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日前该校已将蔡元培的题词定为校训,并举行了校训碑揭幕仪式。A few days ago, the school settled down Mr. Cai's epigraph as the school's credendum , and held the inauguration.

您在避难所的纸箱隔板上题词“微笑地生活下去”,给予我莫大的力量和勇气。On the cardboard in the shelter, you wrote down "to live with a smile", which gives me great strength and courage.

本次展览由中国漆画之父乔十光亲自担任策展人,并为展览题词。As the Father of Chinese Lacquer, Qiao Shiguang is this exhibition's curator and has given an inscription for the exhibition.