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现在该银行的银根很紧。Money is tight just now in the bank.

但问题不仅仅只在于银根紧锁的银行。But the problem isn’t just tight-fisted banks.

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银根吃紧时,许多企业会倒闭。When money is in short supply,many businesses fail.

银根将在今晚午夜之后一下紧缩.Money will be tight overnight after tonight’s midnight.

收缩银根的政策也减少了价格压力。The tight-money policy was also reducing the pressure on prices.

银根紧缩,银行利息高,让我们特别感到有压力。The tight money condition and high bank interest are taxing for us.

那么,是ECB将做需要做的事情——放松银根,削减利率?So will the E.C.B. do what needs to be done — lend freely and cut rates?

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而现在,奥巴马这种劫富济贫式的改革会让他们进一步收紧银根。And now, his Robin Hood crusade will encourage them to pull back even further.

而且,美元对应放松银根而最终疲软,也是一种“周期延迟”的现象。And eventual dollar weakness in response to easing is a 'late-cycle' phenomenon.

首先,他以一种典型的保守主义姿态试图收缩银根。First, he tried in a typically conservative fashion to tighten the money supply.

“银根紧缩”会成为压倒中小民企的“最后一根稻草”?"Tight" will become the overwhelming of small and medium-sized enterprises "last straw"?

希腊实行银根紧缩措施,目的是在未来几年里削减飞涨的政府赤字。The austerity measure is designed to reduce the soaring Greek deficit in the next few years.

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过早地追求紧缩银根可能会毁掉经济复苏——这才是一个真正的危险。There is a real danger that the premature pursuit of fiscal rectitude may wreck the recovery.

若经济仍旧疲弱,他是否会有和前主席沃克尔一样的意志力去紧收银根呢?Do you have the will as former Chairman Volcker did to tighten even if the economy is still weak?

查干凹陷位于银根盆地东部,勘探主要目的层为下白垩统。Chagan depression is in the east of Yin' gen basin, and lower cretaceous is major exploration stratum.

央行的银根紧缩政策使房地产开发企业面临着资金链断裂的危险。The stringency policy of Central Bank put more Chinese real estate companies in danger of capital lack.

监管者意欲阻止这点,现在他们可选的工具似乎是银根更紧的资本充足率规定。Regulators want to prevent this, and their tool of choice now seems to be tighter capital-adequacy rules.

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通货膨胀确实是个问题,但是政府在通胀恶化之前已经收紧了银根。Inflation is a problem, but the government is already tightening the spigot and has tackled far worse before.

例如,在周期的中期从宽松回转到紧缩,或者一个新的银根放松周期的第一个放松的举动。For example, a shift from easing back to tightening in mid-cycle, or the first easing move of a new easing cycle.

银根-额济纳旗盆地是中新生界陆相盆地,前中生界构成盆地基底。Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin is a Mesozoic and Cenozoic lacustrine fault basin, and pre-Mesozoic constitutes its basement.