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和孩子预演可能出现的险情。Role-play possible situations with the child.

出现险情时,这支部队总是首当其冲。This unit always bears the brunt of any danger.

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范西屏得知险情,要施襄夏逃脱。Fancies screen that danger, to escape the summer Shih-hsiang.

事情已经发生,连判断险情的时间也没有了,只能靠他平时的训练和本能。There was no time to study the situation. Things just happened.

泥石流冲入大渡河形成的堰塞湖现已畅通,险情基本排除。Debris flow into the dadu river lake has been formed, basic risks.

溃坝险情中除漫顶外,渗流险情也较为突出。Seepage risk is also obvious in dam-break risk except overtopping.

有时我们能看到鱼儿跃出水面,也许它们是逃避水下的险情。Occasionally we see a fish leap, presumably from danger underneath.

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我们没有承受很多险情,除了博格达尼的头球。We didn't run too many risks, except for that Erjon Bogdani header.

教导孩子当遇见诸如火灾等险情时怎样从家里逃生。Teach the child how to get out of the house in an emergency like a fire.

不管遇到什么样的险情,士兵都应该站好岗。A soldier is expected to stand to his post whatever danger threatens him.

如果你必须得通过凶狠的铲球才能解救险情,那么就什么都不要再考虑地去铲吧。If you have to do a hard tackle to help your team, you don't think about it.

有个甲壳是件很好的事情,这东西可以使我从多次险情中生存下来。It is good to to have a carapace. This has enabled me to survive a lot of dangers.

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巡逻队第四名成员也在周四的袭击中受伤,尚未脱离险情。A fourth member of the patrol injured in Thursday's attack remained in a critical condition.

如果发现有险情,只需把它丢入水中,然后用遥控器进行指挥,它就会朝落水者奔去。It can be thrown into the water and commanded via remote control to rush to the people in danger.

不符合项、事故和险情是否按照程序报告并纠正?Have the procedures to report non-conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences been followed?

这使得车辆有更好的生存能力,因为它可以更快地脱离险情。This makes the vehicle more survivable, as it can maneuver out of dangerous situations more quickly.

我国现有的堤坝大多为土石坝,在防汛期间很容易出现各种险情。Most of the exiting dams in our country are earth-rock dam and easy to be danger in the flood season.

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第一百二十九条因紧急避险造成损害的,由引起险情发生的人承担民事责任。Article 129 A person is to bear the civil liability for the damage done to avoid a danger he has caused.

克里斯蒂亚诺在一分钟后险些扩大比分,但是克拉瓦用扑救化解了险情。Cristiano nearly scored a second one minutes later, but Kelava managed to clear his shot with a stretch.

游泳时,它用尾巴当桨,在水中拍打,向其他河狸提醒有险情。When swimming, it uses its tail as a paddle and splashes it in the water to warn other beavers of danger.