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她理顺了乱蓬蓬的头发。She smoothed her dishevelled hair.

你得先把你的思路理顺。You should straighten up your ideas first.

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理顺物价,改革才能加快步伐。We cannot speed up the reform without rationalizing prices.

毕业生分配关系没有理顺。The distribution of the graduates needs to be straightened out.

如果你可以迅速的理顺这些事情,那就在27号或者29号签。If you can get things sorted out sooner, do so on April 27 or 29.

在这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates.

八是完善理顺农技推广体系。Eighth, consummate the system of popularizing agricultural technique.

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放大,缩小,或者使用色标理顺想法。Zoom in, out, or use colored nodes to create order out of that chaos.

美国政府正在采取史无前例的行动来理顺经济。The government is making unprecedented efforts to stanch the bleeding.

一个男人的T恤应该是朝下并理顺之前,把它折叠。A men's T-shirt should be face down and smoothed out before you fold it.

他的回忆录并没有上流行书排名榜,但是他把过去理顺了。His memoir hadn ' t been a best seller , but he had put the past in order.

要保留你的石膏柔韧多一点的时间来把一切理顺吗?Want to keep your plaster pliable a bit longer to get it all smoothed out?

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但他在公开发表的文章和著作中却常常歪曲事实,而并没有理顺秩序。But his pronouncements often distorted reality rather than imposed order on it.

柔和轻松凝胶以帮助减少浮肿和理顺幼纹。A gentle, relaxing gel, formulated to help reduce puffiness and smooth out fine lines.

为什么不每天处理一项小的任务,努力坚持一个月的时间,来理顺你杂乱无章的生活?Why not tackle a small task each day for a month in an effort to de-clutter your life?

或者通过分割理顺互相纠结的混乱关联并砍掉危险的部门。Or they should seek to slice through the entanglements, cordoning off the dangerous bits.

随着时间的推移,人们往往会理顺自己的行为,为自己的过错找理由,洛斯指出。Over time, people rationalize their actions, explaining away their mistakes, Roese pointed out.

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但是如果不理顺这些安装问题,Ubuntu就会节节败退。But if these installation issues aren’t ironed out, Ubuntu is going to find itself losing ground.

在洗衣过程中加入,能理顺缠结纤维。用后衣物不易起皱,柔软顺滑。Makes your laundry soft and fluffy and leaves softened clothes feeling smoother and wrinkle-free.

理顺地方供电企业与省级电力公司的关系。One, the relation that straightens enterprise of local power supply and provincial power company.