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对亨利方达动怒!Angry at Henry Fonda!

风箱能扇火,言语可动怒。The bellows puffed on the fire.

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你大可不必因为我提到你的工作就动怒。You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work.

亚伯拉罕说,求主不要动怒,容我说。Then he said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak."

很容易动怒,因此你们不要想侮辱一只鹰马。Very easily offended, you do not want to insult a hippogriff.

他可不好相处呢。他总是对别人动怒。He is not an easy going person. He always gets huffy with others.

在有需要动怒时,赐我们那建立而非拆毁的怒气。When it is called for, give us the kind of anger that builds up and does not tear down.

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欧洲两个最易动怒的邻国间一场旷日持久的争吵变得不堪入耳。A long-running dispute between two of Europe’s most prickly neighbours is turning nasty.

你将不再对父亲的瑕疵动怒、或者需要他永远做全能爸爸。You'll stop bridling at your father's flaws or needing him to remain the eternal omnipotent Daddy.

这次的病是非常厉害的,而且由于他平常不大生病,所以容易动怒,很难侍候。It was a very sharp attack, and because he was not used to illness, he was querulous and difficult.

如果那位政客不曾动怒,不曾失去自制,他绝不会诽谤对手的。If that politician hadn't gotten angry and lost his head, he would never have slandered his opponent.

你不能承担别人的责任,不然你会筋疲力尽,容易动怒。You mustn't take on other people's responsibilities or you may find yourself irritable and exhausted.

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三妹四妹见母亲动怒,想像往常一样把责任推给对方。Three younger sister four younger sister saw his mother angry, imagine usual pass the buck to each other.

日升发现卓或放弃计划即表示不满,卓或却动怒并发生冲突,两人的合作关系开始出现裂痕。Nison find zhuo or abandon plans, zhuo or is angry and conflict, two people relationship started to crack.

这个时候,关键是不要动怒,不要表现出你意识到被人取笑。The key to surviving the moment is to not freak out and show that you are aware that you're being laughed at.

萧克利,一个竞争心非常强而有时容易动怒的人,已下定决心要在史上留名。Shockley, a very competitive and sometimes infuriating man, was determined to make his imprint on the discovery.

他和我争斗了3年,而且热衷于反对我们的利益——我甚至想过对投钱给我的那家伙动怒。He fought me for 3 years and actively worked against our interests – I think to spite the guy who put in the money.

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如果投资方想要真正动怒的话,那他们应该去看看AIG管理层是怎么处置资产出售的。If investors really want to get angry, they should take a look at how management of AIG has been handling its asset sales.

白色对易动怒的人可起调节作用,这样有助于保持血压正常。White can rise to the person of movability anger adjust action, such conducing to it is normal to maintain blood pressure.

如果在他的房间里发现了这些被隐藏起来地东西,先不要动怒,以宽大包容的姿态来对待,让男人对你刮目相看。If in his room found the hidden thing, don't angry, generous tolerant attitude to treat, make a man of you sit up and take notice.