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阡陌纵横。The paths crisscrossed in the fields.

而梦的阡陌间,我在流浪。But on the way of dream, I'm itinerant.

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顾阡陌听后很受启发。Gu buildings after listen to very inspired.

阡陌相交,炊烟袅袅,江南的秋有写不尽的诗情。As we know, autumn in south has endless poetry.

顾阡陌来到明天集团的工地上做水泥工。Gu buildings to group sites for cement work tomorrow.

阡陌纵横的田野,一片金黄灿烂。Crisscross paths on a farmland fields, a bright yellow.

乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside.

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广阔的宁夏川水草丰美、阡陌纵横。Wide Plain of Ningxia lush, terraced rice paddies aspect.

明朝阡陌,应染青青杨柳色。The Ming dynasty should be broad field, dyed green willows color.

吹得阡陌鹅黄浅绿,天空湿润婉约。Blown light yellow light green terraced rice paddies, wet sky graceful.

骆晓春孜孜不倦地向顾阡陌求婚,终于获得了成功。LuoXiaoChun tirelessly to propose to gu buildings, and finally succeeded.

顾阡陌为了安慰骆天明,她约小春父子俩一起喝茶。Buildings in order to comfort LuoTianMing, her about doing had tea together.

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天各一方早已取代了擦肩而过,红尘阡陌,我们仅不过是彼此生命里的过客。If have replaced brushed, red paths, we are just passing through each other's life.

你在古韵阡陌间踏歌而行,我拈缕情丝,看你在红尘中轮回。In ancient Chinese and you the room, I will trace of love, see you in the red circle.

她摸了摸她阡陌纵横的脸颊上眼泪图腾被剔除后留下的褪色的疤痕。She touched the faded scar upon her wrinkled cheek, where her tears had been cut away.

可是幼年的顾阡陌已经长成大姑娘,顾华军一时不敢相认。The buildings have grown into big girl, but youth Gu Huajun temporarily dare not Joseph.

骆晓春看到顾阡陌正在忙东区那块地的事,他决定帮助顾阡陌。LuoXiaoChun saw the land their buildings were busy east, he decided to help from buildings.

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顾阡陌告诉梁宇涵自己一直想做公务员的真正原因。Gu buildings tell Liang Yuhan myself always wanted to do the real reason for civil servants.

年轻人光着脚丫,卷起裤腿,哼着轻快的小曲,踩着青青的阡陌款款而去。Young people barefoot, furl trouser legs, humming a ditty, stepping on the sections to green.

顾***手术非常成功,顾阡陌和乐乐推着妈妈来到公园散心。Despite my mothers surgery was very successful, buildings and lele pushes mom came to the park.