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我对刺绣产生了兴趣。I'm into the embroidery.

她给她的床单刺绣上了花边。She needlepointed her sheet.

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她正在学刺绣。She is learning embroidering.

刺绣或者其他的手工活Needlework or other craft projects

她床上铺的是刺绣床罩。She spread her with embroided cover.

她床上铺的是刺绣床罩。She spread her with embroider cover.

刺绣是为了装点丝绸面料。It is for decorating the silk fabric.

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她穿的宽松长袍刺绣精美。Her abaya was beautifully embroidered.

久有长地刺绣头发。To have long embroider the hair longly.

要知道,她自己就很喜欢刺绣。She herself was very fond of embroidery.

将描图纸打洞是刺绣设计的前置步骤。Each embroidery is designed step by step.

你那漂亮的刺绣进展如何?How is your beautiful embroidery going on?

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我想买一些刺绣的台布。I want to buy some embroidered tablecloths.

她根据样板刺绣出这一图案。She pricked out the design from the pattern.

我要学就学哈萨克族最有特色的刺绣。I'd rather learn the stylish Kazak embroidery.

你看见那个佩戴刺绣的徽记的好人了吗?Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge?

刺绣是中国一个古老的艺术形式。Embroidery is a long-established art form in China.

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可能是刺绣,也可能是珠饰或者其它。It could be embroidery or it could be beading, etc.

它可以是刺绣,也可以是珠饰或者其它。It could be embroidery or it could be beading, etc.

刺绣是在一张纸或绢上进行的。The embroidery is done on a piece of paper or silk.