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埃及遭受了一系列外敌的入侵Egypt experiences a number of attacks from the outside world.

但在遭遇多次包括亚历山大大帝的外敌入侵后,这座辉煌的古城终于走向死亡。Foreign invasions, including one by Alexander the Great, let to its demise.

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中国不会亡于外敌,倒有可能死在自己的虚妄。China will not perish for foreign enemy, it is more likely to die in their own false.

这样一座城寨,是当年辉发的立国之基,也是抵御外敌的坚实防线和最后一道立体防线。What's more, it was a stereoscopic defence that had three walls against outside enemy.

第三,候选人能够搞清楚外敌和政敌的区别吗?Third, can the candidate tell the difference between a foreign enemy and a political opponent?

雅典人遭到外敌入侵,寇德罗斯率军迎敌The Athenians were invaded by an army from the outside, and Codros led his forces out against them.

欧洲人看重的是生更多的孩子去参军,去抵御外敌。People in Europe have long been concerned about having enough children to field an army and defend themselves.

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这个法案要修改现在的国防法,现在的法律只规定允许俄罗斯的军队防御外敌的入侵。It would revise the existing Law of Defense which authorizes the Russian military to act only in response to foreign aggression.

很多传说和琐罗亚斯德教的传统都说他是在避难所祷告的时候被一位国王的外敌杀害的。Many legends, and Zoroastrian tradition, say that he was killed, while praying in the sanctuary, by a foreign enemy of the king.

在与帝国主义列强的接触中,张学良也感受到国家分裂是外敌入侵的重要原因。In contact with the imperialist, Chang also felt that disintegration of the country was an important reason for foreign invasion.

牠不须要与牛比,牛也不应该批评马为什么没有牛角,没有角怎样防御外敌。It unnecessarily compared itself with cattle while cattle should not worry about horse without horn and how its defense to enemy.

我的任务是揭露这种不利于美国未来的非常现实的威胁,其严重性远超任何外敌所能构成的威胁。My mission is to expose this very real threat to America’s future, a threat far more serious than any foreign enemy could ever pose.

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然而事实证明,单靠这种传统的民间信仰的精神力量是无法战胜外敌的。However, it had been proved that they can not defeat foreign enemies by solely relying on such traditional spiritual power of folk beliefs.

这种策略不仅会让金正日挡住外敌,也能让他在核问题谈判上获得对方的最大让步。This strategy not only allows Kim to deter foreign attacks, but also gets him the maximum concessions in talks to give up the nuclear bomb.

刻苦、热爱和平的国家饱受四年外敌入侵之苦及内乱纷起之灾。Since 194O, this industrious, peace-loving country has suffered invasion, four years of cruelty, enemy-occupation, and bitter internal strife.

60年前结束的抗日战争,是近代史上中国人民反抗外敌入侵第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争。The Anti-Japanese War that ended 60 years ago signaled the first and thorough victory over the foreign invasion in Chinese contemporary history.

今后,除非发生外敌入侵或大规模武装叛乱,应停止使用“敌我矛盾”的提法。Hence, the "contradictions between ourselves and the enemy" term will no longer be used, unless there is an invasion or a large-scale armed rebellion.

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现在我们需要建立的是因特网长城,抵御外敌以自由之名煽动的叛乱。Now we need to build a great wall on the Internet to protect the country from foreigners trying to promote insurgence and instability under the cloak of freedom.

明朝政府于十六世纪中后期,恢复了一度废止的“巡检司”,并为防御外敌侵犯,增兵澎湖。During the mid- and late 16th century the Ming Dynasty reinstated the once abolished agency and sent reinforcements to Penghu in order to ward off foreign invaders.

我认为这个问题我们已经解决的非常圆满,我们在下游的城市里布置了大量类似富士康之类的企业,一旦三峡决堤,城市被淹,全世界都将无法享用到中国廉价劳动力带来的恩惠,最关键的是,美帝将无法生产苹果手机,光这一点,外敌就不敢对三峡大坝发动攻击。My opinion is that we have already perfectly solved this problem. We have set up numerous enterprises such as Foxconn in the cities on the lower reach of the river.