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这是1642年写成的一篇政论。That's the political treatise written in 1642.

报纸内容以政论性的宣传鼓动文章为主,读者则多为社会上的精英分子阶层。The content give priority to agitprop, and readers are super classes of society.

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他们应该拥有相似的教育,家庭历史,宗教,政论,原则和信仰。They should have similar education, family histories, religion, politics, principles and beliefs.

另外,孔子为政论非常关注人生,符合治国的理念,对构建和谐社会有重要意义。The theory also highlights life which in accordance with the ideal of governance and benefit the construction of harmonious society.

由于“十七年”时期文学批评文体强烈的政论色彩,所以在结构方面潜在地存在着“辩难体”的特征。Exactly because of the political commentary style of this period's literary criticism , it potentially has a distinguishing feature of elenchus.

香奈儿在战时的活动还包括声称Wertheimer兄弟的法国业务是不合法的,但诉求却被法国的维希政论府拒绝了。As for Chanel, her wartime activities included an attempt to claim the Wertheimers’ French business as “abandoned, ” a request the Vichy government denied.

采用统计的方法研究政论语体是一个新的尝试,无论是理论方面,还是方法方面都还需要进一步的改进。As a new try, whether it is from theory aspect or from method aspect, It still need to be improved to apply statistical method in political comment style research.

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本文将运用篇章语言学理论来讨论韩汉政论体语篇的省略与指称衔接问题。This dissertation discusses the problems of the omission and reference cohesion in Korean and Chinese political comment according to the theory of text linguistics.

这一办刊理论回归了言论自由的本位,一定程度上纠正以往政论刊物过于注重宣传的弊病,在期刊学上有重要意义。This theory is fuscous on the true liberty of speech and corrected the focusing on propaganda of some journals, and it is very meaningful for the study of journals.

他的报告文学具有登高瞵远的格局和壮丽俊逸的笔调,大气磅礴,激情昂扬,具有鲜明的政论色彩,是一位有独特风格的报告文学家。With features of far-reaching pattern, majestic tone and distinctive political characteristics, HUANG Gang became the excellent reportage writer with a unique style.

这些愤世嫉俗的人不能理解,「风水轮流转」-这些耗费我们多时的陈腐政论,早就不适用了。What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them -- that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

然而,在对其政论进行全面论述的同时,固然他政论文的艺术和思想有着不可磨灭的光芒,但是也表现了他的一些缺点。However, when elaborating his political theory, the art and thought of his writing show his incomparable contributions, but at the same time his disadvantages can't be neglected.

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己出版或发表过的有关中朝两国语言翻译的理论著作和论文中,只是在很有限的篇幅中提过政论文体翻译,并没有对这方面的专门的研究成果。Theory works and thesis that published or issued about Chinese-Korean translation mentioned little about translation of political criticism, and there is not special research results, yet.

在政论语体的个体统计研究中,第一步先统计出政论语体每类中的每个常用词在四种语体中的使用频率,与此同时把各类词按小类归类统计。While researching the unit statistics, we will, at the first step, make statistics the frequency of the four styles of each commonly used word and classify the different words into sub-types.

笔者通过对韩汉政论体语篇中的省略及指称衔接手法的考察,探讨韩汉政论体语篇中出现的省略、指称衔接类型及规则的异同现象。Through investigating the means of Korean and Chinese political comment, the author compares the types and rules of the omission and reference cohesion in Korean and Chinese political comment.

韩非政论所表现的思想感情具有历史的真实性和历史的进步性,深刻体现了时代精神,是构成其文学价值的基础。Han Fei's political essay has its historical reality and advancement, and it profoundly embodies the spirit of the times, which forms the basis of the literary value of Han Fei's political essay.

同那些沉溺于新闻和政论中的人们几乎每时每刻加诸于自己精神上的痛苦相比,那些施虐受虐狂对自己的身体所做的一切完全算不得什么。What devotees of sadomasochism do to their bodies is nothing compared to the torments that those addicted to the news and political commentary inflict on their minds almost every hour of the day.

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在晚清那样的报界“政论时代”,与辉煌耀眼的政治家报人相比,职业报人是一个倍受偏见和冷落的群体。In the late Qing Dynasty which was full of political comments in newspapering, compared with the dazzling political reporters, professional journalists were a group who were greatly discriminated.