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期间休养生息,调整心情。Period and relax, adjust the mood.

主要解决天然林的休养生息和恢复发展问题。It aims to rehabilitate and develop natural forests.

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外部压力的减缓为其创造了休养生息的黄金时期。External pressure for its slow created rehabilitate's golden days.

人民于连年战乱之后,已亟待休养生息。After years of war and chaos the people urgently needed rehabilitation.

经“康乾盛世”时期的休养生息,人口迅速增长。By the "Spirit Kangxi and Qianlong" period of recuperation, rapid population growth.

他们为这个饱受内战和动乱之苦的国家提供了一个极需休养生息的空间。They provided much-needed breathing space for a country hit by civil war and unrest.

每年禁渔两月,以给予海洋生物休养生息的机会。Fishing is now banned for two months of the year to allow marine life a chance to breed.

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继续创新让不堪重负的江河湖海休养生息的有效途径。We will make continued innovation on the way to rehabilitate overloaded rivers and lakes.

湖人对此并没有表现出什么失望,虽然他们如今当家小鲨鱼还在休养生息。But the Lakers are far from upset, even though they could have used another big body inside.

这是生物体得到休息和大脑神经细胞休养生息的必需时间。This is the time necessary for the organism to rest and enables brain neurons to recuperate.

他们反对暴政和扰民的行为,希望人民休养生息、发展生产。They opposed tyranny and the disturbance to people and they hoped the people have a chance to develop.

倒斗下墓之事暂且告一段落,张启山终于能休养生息一阵子。Under the inverted bucket tomb things shall come to an end, Zhang Qishan can finally relax for a while.

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在这个系统化的过程中,森林被一小片一小片的相继砍伐、烧毁、耕作,然后休养生息一段时间。In this system, patches of forest are cyclically felled, burned, cultivated, and then fallowed for a time.

在旧约中,土地免去一年的耕作是神的指示,以使土地得到休养生息。In the Old Testament a year of rest was ordered by God, to give the land time to rest and rejuvenate itself.

巴音布鲁克草原的天鹅湖是天鹅聚集的地方,每年它们在这里休养生息8个月。Swan Lake in the Bayan Bulak Prairie is the charming home for swans. They live there for 8 months every year.

与此同时,大幅度地提高农产品的价格,减轻农民负担,使农民得以休养生息。Meanwhile, raise the price of produce substantially, reduce farmer burden, make farmer be able to rehabilitate.

你也许会说,美国休养生息式的经济将会清楚那些造成2008年经济大危机的过度和失衡的因素。It's an economy in rehab, you might say, working off the excesses and imbalances that created the crash of 2008.

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种族灭绝后的卢旺达为了休养生息,选举出全球首个女性占多数的议会。Postgenocide Rwanda elected to heal itself by becoming the first country with a majority of women in parliament.

在这一时期结束之前涡轮可以取代旧的涡轮被出售的废料,以休养生息,一些价值。At the end of that period the turbine can be replaced with the old turbine being sold for scrap to recuperate some value.

无论您是要在火炉前休养生息还是只想坐享读书管弦之乐,这个沙发都根据您的需求做出回应。This sofa will react to your various needs whatever it is relax in front of the fireplace or just enjoy a good book or music.