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我准备去打猎。I'm fixing to go hunting.

阿卡同酷爱打猎。Actaeon loved the hunting.

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他们在树林中打猎。They coursed in the forest.

他用弓箭打猎。He hunted with bow and arrow.

他拿着来福枪去打猎。He went hunting with a rifle.

他常带我出去打猎。He often takes me out shooting.

我喜欢啦啦操,喜欢打猎I Like To Cheer. I Like To Hunt.

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从此,天晴时两人就出去打猎。Hence, they went hunting in fine day.

两年前我用滑膛枪打猎。I hunted with a musket two years ago.

主人和男仆一起去打猎!Master and man together go a-hunting!

在禁猎区内不许打猎。No hunting is allowed in the preserve.

这只青蛇继续鬼鬼祟祟的打猎。The snake continues its stealthy hunt.

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在欧洲北部是通过滑雪来打猎。Northern European skied to hund for food.

但是现在越来越多的女孩都打猎。But an increasing number of girls now hunt.

玛西说,“当然,这儿的许多女孩都在打猎。”Of course, a lot of the girls up here hunt.

她的父亲在空闲的每一分钟都会打猎。Her dad hunts every spare minute he can get.

打猎时他射下一只大大雁。In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose.

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打猎的号角声穿过森林发出回响。The hunting horn resounded through the forest.

在过去,非返回式回飞棒是打猎的。Non-returning boomerangs were used for hunting.

哦,我们去打猎,我们去打猎!Oh, a-hunting we will go! A-hunting we will go!