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看来这已经是一个妇孺皆知的故事了。It seems that this is a knows the story.

首先,他们互相躲——用后来妇孺皆知的那两条无花果叶做的裙子。First, they hid from one another—the notorious fig leaf cover-up.

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这次普京先生没有放弃原则,这是妇孺皆知的。Creditably , Mr Putin has not surrendered the principle this time.

这个公司要建一面“克里姆林”墙的事已经是妇孺皆知了。The company's attempts to build a wall dubbed the Kremlin are legendary.

叶赫是清代显著的“八大家”之一,位列第四,而清末的叶赫那拉氏慈禧太后,更是妇孺皆知的人物。Yehe is one of the most famous "Eight big clan" in Qing dynasty. it ranked fourth.

农业女神得墨忒尔,在希腊是个妇孺皆知的神祗。Agriculture goddess Demeter, including women and children in Greece is the only God.

尽管大熊猫的形象妇孺皆知,可是,它们却一直以来远离人类的视线,离群索居于野外。Though its image is known to millions, the Giant Panda has kept its life in the wild hidden from humans.

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谚语是简练、妇孺皆知,揭示普遍真理或信念的俗语。Today we explain more proverbs. A proverb is a short, well-known saying that expresses a common truth or belief.

1897年,原来叫黄浦滩的地方第一次正式拥有了“外滩”这个如今妇孺皆知的称呼。In 1897, the place originally called Huangpu beach was first officially named the Band which is known by everyone.

1997年的东南亚金融危机,让乔治·索罗斯这个名字妇孺皆知,有人对他敬佩不已,有人提之切齿痛恨。George Soros was well known after the 1997's financial crisis in Southeast Asia. Somebody admires him, and somebody hates him.

香格里拉只是个传说中的地方,但奇怪的是这个地方如此出名,妇孺皆知,甚至连美国的农妇都可能知道它。I know Shangri-la is a place in Chinese legend. To my surprise is that it's so famous that a farmer in American may know it, too.

慈悲是妇孺皆知的名词,“慈悲为怀”是人人耳熟能详的口头禅,但是如果我们进一步去探讨,就会发现有许多人其实根本不了解慈悲的真正意义。" Mercy is a noun. "Know mercy" is a mantra, but if we discuss further, it is clear many people in fact do not know the meaning of mercy.

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他天生敏感、易受影响,无法适应成名后的生活——讽刺的是,他还是世界上妇孺皆知的名角。Highly sensitive and impressionable, he was unsuited to fame – ironic, given that his became one of the most recognised faces in the world.

但岳飞的故事在中国家喻户晓,妇孺皆知,他作为中国历史上民族英雄的代表人物,享有崇高的地位。But the story of Yue Fei is widely known in China, and as a representative of national heroes in the Chinese history, he enjoyed a high status.

暇步士是美国妇孺皆知的鞋业公司,不过,在1994年的时候,它在美国的销售量下降到了3万双左右。Hush Puppies is the United States even woman and children all know the shoe company, however, in 1994, its sales in America fell to about 30000 pairs.

20世纪初,一名法官在一宗法律案件中对一名房东提起诉讼,由房客来处理臭虫,案件的整个过程妇孺皆知。Bedbugs, one judge remarked in an early 20th century lawsuit against a landlord, “can be dealt with by the tenant by processes known to all housewives.

语过程中,最容易听到的抱怨正是这一点,西方人对汉语最害怕的也是这一点,简直是妇孺皆知。It's one of the most common complaints about learning Chinese, and it's also one of the aspects of the language that westerners are notoriously bad at.

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20世纪初,一名法官在一宗法律案件中对一名房东提起诉讼,由房客来处理臭虫,案件的整个过程妇孺皆知。Bedbugs, one judge remarked in an early 20th century lawsuit against a landlord, “can be dealt with by the tenant by processes known to all housewives.”

其中“洋装虽然穿在身,我心依然是中国心”一句在当年可谓是家喻户晓、妇孺皆知。One sentence of the lyrics, "Although I wear foreign clothes, my heart is still the same Chinese heart. " became a household sentence in China at the moment.

现在,这起事故妇孺皆知,英国人民,法国人民以及全世界人民应知道,类似事件不会重演,我们正在吸取教训。Now that this incident is public knowledge, the people of Britain, France and the rest of the world need to be reassured this can never happen again and that lessons are being learned.