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她的身世中有一个神秘之处。There was a mystery hanging over her antecedents.

奥巴马父母的身世截然不同。Obama’s parents came from vastly different backgrounds.

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有些人不愿认可自己是巨室身世。Some people do not want to admit that they have blue blood.

他并不知道自己的身世,他其实就是老国王的儿子。He didn’t know it, but he was in fact the son of an old king.

他回到家里后再一次问起田守诚自己的身世。When he returned home, he asked once more to keep his own life.

凡在场听到她悲酸身世的人无不感动得流泪。All those present to listen to her sad story were moved to tears.

我们还没洗完,她已经把她的身世全讲给我听了。Before we got through washing, she had told me all about herself.

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这艘船的身世和俄国的历史紧紧地交织在一起。Existence of the ship is closely related to the history of Russia.

在这样的环境中,写自己的身世背景只是开端。In such a context, to write from one’s heritage is only a beginning.

如许一个创始一代帝业的皇帝,他的身世终究如何?Such a heritage created generation emperor emperor, he highborn how?

后来,克诺比出现在卢克面前,透露了卢克的真实身世。Later, Kenobi appeared to Luke and revealed the truth of his lineage.

你的身体需要将构成血液的多余的水断根身世体。Your body needs to get rid of extra water that builds up in the blood.

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听着她讲身世,很多人的眼泪噗噜噜地直往下掉。Tears trickled down the faces of many listeners when she told her story.

本文对王翰的身世与诗歌作了考证与分析。This article textually researched his experience and analyzed his poems.

这个角色的身世在剧情的烘染下更加催人泪下了。Ignited by instinct, the characters experiences were all the more moving.

程曦也责问奶奶为什么要这样,为什么要隐瞒自己的身世。ChengXi also call to account grandma why, why want to hide their own life.

保罗的身世背景是第一世纪的拉比犹太教徒。Remember that Paul's background is that of a first century Rabbinical Jew.

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路子约出祥明,告诉了他瞬太的身世。Way about the sangmyung and told him the antecedents of instantaneous too.

只有尤达、贝尔和欧比-万三人知道这对双胞胎的身世。Yoda, Bail and Obi-Wan were the only ones who knew of the children's fate.

因为这个身世,她的童年被蒙上了血色阴影。Because of this life, her childhood been overshadowed by redness of shadows.