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金钱只是一个象征。It is only a symbol.

梦具有象征意义。Dreams had symbolism.

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他象征着未来。He symbolised the future.

孔雀象征骄傲。The peacock typifies pride.

眼睛是象征什么?What is Eye Symbology about?

黑色是居丧的象征。Black is a token of mourning.

兔子也是复活节的象征。Rabbit is a symbol of Easter.

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这是繁殖力的象征。That's a symbol of fertility.

橄榄枝象征着和平。Olive branch symbolizes peace.

和平是用鸽子作为象征物。Peace is symbolized by a dove.

鸽子和绿色象征着和平。Pigeon or green stor to peace.

皇冠是国王的象征。The crown is richly bejeweled.

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白鸽象征着和平。La Paloma is a symbol of peace.

狮子是勇武的象征。The lion is a symbol of courage.

它们还有特殊的象征意义。They also have special meanings.

同时它也是女性与浪漫的象征。It is also feminine and romantic.

印度教中湿婆的生殖器的象征。The hindu phallic symbol of siva.

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松树是节操的象征。The pine is a badge of constancy.

褐色也象征着悲伤与渴望。Brown can also be sad and wistful.

我市生命和希望的象征。I am the sign of life and of hope.