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也难怪老戴要对他们推崇备至了。No wonder Dai canonizes them to the utmost.

你对一个怀孕的妇人也体贴备至。You show consideration for a pregnant �woman.

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成浩对子君关心备至,使子君感到温暖。Pair ungho gentleman took good care, zijun was warm.

她觉得,她对爱德华尊崇备至。She felt that Edward stood very high in her opinion.

作为家中的独女,春梅多年来都受到呵护备至。Being an only daughter, Chun-mei was privileged in many years.

你对我温柔备至,你是我所知道的最甜蜜的男人。You are so tender with me. And you’re the sweetest man I know.

尽管对您推崇备至,但我还是对您的结论不敢苟同。With all due respect, i have to disagree with your conclusions.

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由于古希腊的陶器十分精美,现代人对它们可以说是推崇备至。The ancient Greeks are rightly admired for their beautiful pottery.

意大利迷对意大利及其国民和文化推崇备至。An italophile is a perso who greatly admires italy and italian people and cultree.

门多萨在他的全盛时期深受大家欢迎,无论是富人还是穷人都对他祟拜备至。In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike.

门多萨在的全盛时期深受大家欢迎,无论是富人还是穷人都对他祟拜备至。In this day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike.

是大片、畅销小说领先排行榜的说唱音乐,所有通俗文化都对“热销作品”推崇备至。film, a bestselling novel, or a chart-topping rap song, popular culture idolises the hit.

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由于它们是快乐之源,是一种积极情绪的诱导器,所以我们对这些花呵护备至。Because they are a source of pleasure – a positive emotion inducer – we take care of them.

于是,我们便有了幼时的备至呵护,儿时的经心启蒙,现在的切切叮咛。Therefore, we have the utmost care when young, my heart enlightenment, now earnestly exhorted.

为什么曾被众多历史学家推崇备至的计量史学会陷入如此严重的危机之中?Why have been many historians praise highly the veil measurement CSEAHST in such serious crisis?

一些人也对鲜榨柠檬汁加温水这个配方推崇备至。Some people swear by slightly warmed water with freshly squeezed lemon juice as a refreshing tonic.

拥护者对此推崇备至,说这里创造了没有负面效应的经济净收益。And it is all presented, in the panegyrics of its partisans, as a net economic gain without offsets.

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林黛玉的家族虽已衰微,但年幼时父母视她为掌上明珠,呵护备至。Although the decline of Lin's family, but when the parents as the young daughter of her, love and care.

编剧对昨晚歌剧中女演员的表演夸奖备至。In speaking of the playing of the actress at the opera-house last night, the editor spread in on thick.

此番接待丘吉尔,巴鲁克悉心备至,特意陪他参观了纽约股票交易所。Churchill's reception, to the utmost care Baruch, with deliberately he visited the New York Stock Exchange.